Chapter 28 : Second's Task Results

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"Aaaah! Finally finished!" exclaimed Rosalie, stretching. "It's slavery to give such long homework!"

"Then you're not ready for fifth year," said Émilie, pointing at the group of Ravenclaws working at the next table. "Look at them, they were there before us and aren't even halfway done."

Rosalie winced as she saw their elders sigh over their homework. Émilie picked up her DADA homework to review it.

"I still don't understand how you can do so well at Defense Against the Dark Arts. You fail practically all the other courses!"

"I'm not!" Rosalie defended herself. "And, what the teacher says is very interesting."

"Mmh... I supoose?"

The girls continued their discussion about the DADA lesson while Aymee packed her things in her bag. She was only waiting for one thing: for the girls to go to the afternoon quidditch match like everyone else. Unlike them, Aymee couldn't concentrate on her homework.

"You didn't want to go to the game?" Aymee innocently reminded them.

"Ah!" Rosalie exclaimed. "Quick! Quick!"

The ginger head slid all her stuff into her bag and sped off to the dormitory to carry her stuff and get her coat. Émilie imitated her quickly. The girls were not surprised to find Aymee in the same position.

"Are you sure it suits you?" asked Rosalie, putting on her bonnet.

"Yes, don't worry," Aymee smiled to reassure her. "Go ahead, you'll be late."

The girls waved at her before heading off to the Quidditch pitch. For her part, Aymee went into the bathroom of their dormitory. Since they were all at the game, she could call the colony without fear of being surprised. It had been over a week since she left camp and Aymee couldn't help but worry about them. She cast the rainbow spell she had learned especially for Iris communications and prepared her room.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Annabeth Chase at Camp Half-Blood, please."

It only took a few seconds before an image appeared. Annabeth was in the Big House, arm wrestling with Clarisse. Both girls jumped and the match ended with a promise of revenge from the two half-bloods.

"Aymee!" Annabeth exclaimed with a smile. "How is it going?"

"Good! And you? Why the match?"

"Oh nothing. It was to decide who could use the showers first between the Ares and the Athenas."

"Aaah. And otherwise?"

Clarisse groaned as Annabeth's face darkened a little. Her eyebrows furrowed and she took the expression she always displayed to scold someone.

"Everything is fine! Aymee, you don't have to worry about us. We would let you know if something serious were to really happen."

"I know... But still! I have reasons to worry!"

"No!" insisted Clarisse. "Come on, it's clear that it's Hermes! He is the god of thieves! It's, like, in his genes!"

"And why would he do that, hum?" Annabeth replied. "Hermes has no reason to betray Zeus!"

A clap of thunder sounded, which startled the girls. They exchanged a look, a silent agreement not to pronounce the name of the youngest of the siblings.

"Maybe," Clarisse continued, glancing at the ceiling, "but you know the Hermes! They spend their time stealing stuff and making jokes! I think the guy just stole the bolt thinking it would be fun and didn't see the threat of all-out war coming. And now he's too afraid to confess! Or he's ashamed, whatever!"

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