3: I Trusted You

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You sat on the white couch as you waited for the boys to fall in from their night out. They were invited to an after-party for an award show. Soon you heard their footsteps running up the stairs and their big laughs. You stood up and occupied yourself with conversation with some of the staff as they piled in the room.

It was only some of them since the others stay in a different dorm. The ones that stay here are Johnny, Yuta, Winwin, Ten, Haechan, Jeno, Yangyang, Shotaro, Xioajun, Jaemin, and Lucas, your boyfriend.

Everyone looked excited and was still hyped up, and you and the staff waited for them to begin settling down. You were surprised when Lucas didn't come over to see you but you guessed the excitement was a lot for him. So you walked up to him yourself and grabbed him.

"Baby!" He yelled before kissing you. You laughed and pulled away from him quenching your face. You could taste the alcohol on him.

"You should brush your teeth." You told him with a laugh.

"Yeah, he should." You heard Jaemin mumble to some of the guys. They didn't react to it like it was a joke which was weird but you moved on.

"I'm gonna go get some snacks. You want something?" He asked while grabbing his phone.

"Yeah, just a Pepsi." He nodded before kissing your cheek and leaving.

"Hey Y/n can I talk to you," Johnny said. He said it quietly as if he didn't want anybody to hear him ask.

"Of course Johnny what's up?" He shook his head.

"No like I need to talk to you somewhere else. Let's go to the dance room." He said leaving.

"Can you keep them occupied somehow?" You asked one of the female staff members. She agreed and gathered them together while you and Johnny slipped out.

The two of you walked up the stairs and down the long hallway, finally walking into the dance room.

"Ok Johnny what's wrong?" You asked getting worried. He folded his hands together and quickly scratched his head. You slid your hand through your dreads to ignore the feeling in your chest.

The quieter the room was the more anxious you got, and you hated it because you figured it couldn't be any good news.

"It's about Lucas..." Johnny said carefully. You shook your head because you thought it might be something about him. But what could have happened to where he needed to talk to you about it outside of the room?

"We were in our section, and some other artists came up," He paused while looking at you.

"Johnny just tell me what happened cause I'm getting nervous and I don't like what I'm thinking about." You said, frustrated that he was taking so long to tell you.

"There were some girls that came to our section and one of them kissed Lucas." He threw his hands down and exhaled a deep breath, one he must have been holding while he told you what happened.

Without freaking out, you calmly asked for him to elaborate on the situation. Because you didn't want to think Lucas allowed it to happen. But how would it have happened if he didn't?

"What did Lucas do about it?" You asked folding your arms. But Johnny got more nervous to continue.

"Look I'm just gonna be honest with you y/n. Lucas didn't try hard enough to get her away from him. We were all trying to distract her but he wasn't helping. And then when she kissed him, he just sat there. Honestly, it took him too long to realize he should get her off of him." He shook his head and folded his arms. 

Your heart broke within you as you imagined Lucas letting this random girl touch him and then ultimately kiss him. And the thought of him just sitting there letting it happen enraged you. You turned quickly on your heels and headed for the door.

"Y/n-" Johnny called after you but he was cut off by the door slamming. You ran down the stairs, causing the tears on your face to bounce off of your cheeks and onto your shirt. You finally reached the lounge room where everyone was before and saw that Lucas had come back with his snacks. 

As you walked in everyone else turned into a blur and the only person you could focus on was Lucas. 

"Hey what's wrong-" You raised your hand in the air and slapped Lucas across his face. The staff members jumped up but didn't do anything when they saw your face and the expression that was plastered on it.

"That's what it feels like when you think your partner is being loyal to you and you have to find out from someone else that he isn't!" He held onto his face with a confused look. But that changed when he looked behind you and saw Johnny glaring at him. 

"Y/n what are you talking about?" Lucas shook his head and tried to reach for your hand but you pulled it back and turned away from him to walk back out.

"Y/n?" You looked up to see Jeno coming up to you, but when he did, emotion ran over you again and you had to leave. But he only followed after you.

"Yo, what are you doing?" Lucas asked Jeno. He turned and walked up to Lucas, staring him down before responding.

"I'm going to be there for the one person you were never supposed to hurt like this." He then stepped back from Lucas and ran out of the door to catch up to you.

The rest of the boys stood around watching Lucas, who took his anger out on the chair next to him by pushing it across the room.

You ran to the bottom of the stairwell where you sat behind the stairs and held yourself. You hadn't ever imagined this would be happening to you but it is. Some would say you're overreacting and that it's just a kiss, but it's just that and more.

"Y/n?" You looked up to see Jeno walking slowly over to you.

"Do you know how good I am to Lucas? And he goes and locks lips with a random girl while I'm here waiting for him?" Jeno sat on the floor next to you and listened as you spoke.

"Do you know how embarrassed I feel?" He sighed and shook his head at the ground.

Jeno has always been quicker to help you than the other boys. Quicker to notice when something is bothering you too. This history and him listening to you comforted you.

"It's got nothing to do with how good you treat him. It's got everything to do with him being an idiot and ungrateful for what you do for him." You leaned closer into yourself and leaned closer to the wall.

You then felt Jeno slowly pull you into a hug. You appreciated him putting himself in what some might consider an uncomfortable position, so you leaned your head on his arm.

"I can't say much that'll make it feel better, but I know that you'll make a good decision going forward." He pulled back and smiled at you, to which you responded with a small nod. The both of you got up and headed back towards the room.

You don't know what you're going to do when you get in there, but you have an idea about talking to Lucas in private so you could hear him say what happened. 

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