8: Supplier

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•Drug abuse

For ten years my family has been trying to get my older brother help for his drug addiction. No matter how many rehab facilities he's put in he always goes back to the pipe, erasing any progress he's made. My mom has just about had it with him, between putting him out and worrying, to letting him come back home and having a heart attack because of the stress.

Now that her health has worsened, and with me trying to hold what's left of my family up, I'm bent on taking matters into my own hands. What's more frustrating about the situation with my brother, is that I know his dealer. All three of us went to school together but obviously, chose different lifestyles. He goes by his street name riff. But he is not my brother's friend, and I don't know if the plan I have is the best one to carry out, but at this point, this is my last try at saving my brother.

I swiped the dark red lipstick across my bottom and top lip, rolling them together to distribute the color evenly. I then flattened my burgundy dress down and took one last look in the mirror, fixing my bun on my head as I did so, before grabbing my bag and car keys.

I walked into my mother's bedroom where she laid in her bed sleeping with her tv still playing. I must have just missed her being awake as her room smelt fresh with cigarette smoke. It stung my chest, so I scrunched my nose up and closed her door before heading out of the house. I don't understand how she could keep smoking those things, even after her heart attack. But then I remember that she doesn't have any hope for anything, and I feel bad for her again.

Afterward, I went into my brother's old room, and into his closet, pulling down the box that held our dad's old handgun. He always carried it on him but wasn't fast enough pulling it when he was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time because of my brother. I checked the magazine to see if it was loaded, and it had only one bullet. That's good enough since I don't plan on using it.

I finally walked out of the house and got into my brother's car that he never drives, and left the driveway. I then headed to where I knew I would find my brother's dealer.


I pulled onto a dark road and turned the car off, watching my surroundings before getting out. Once I believed I was fine, I walked up to the big building in front of me, it doesn't have doors and it doesn't have anything inside. I don't really know where to go since I've never been inside, but I've had to pick my brother up here multiple times after he'd get beaten. And the few times that I've talked to riff, they weren't exactly nice conversations.

I walked inside where a red light filled the whole building. I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous about what could happen, but I have to tough it out. I heard noises getting closer and closer to me, then voices. Loud, deep voices. One I recognized to be riff's. I stood in place, praying that everything would go as I planned.

"Yo, who is that?" Riff, the leader of the group asked loudly. I began walking toward them but said something so they wouldn't be alarmed. I squeezed onto my bag handle as I did.

"Don't worry, it's nobody that owes you anything." I said. They finally had fully come around the wall and riff smiled as he saw me. It was a cunning smile though.

"Looks like we got a surprise tonight yall." He twisted the toothpick he never fails to carry in his mouth and pulled it out as he walked closer to me. He stopped as he stood directly in front of me, his lanky frame towering over me as he did.

"I didn't come for you and your boys. How do you know I didn't just come here for you?" I asked him while allowing my eyes to roam his build. He let out a light chuckle and turned to them nodding them off to go into the other room. That's exactly what I wanted. They gathered themselves together and slowly tailed behind one another into the next room like lost puppies.

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