5: Let Go

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You sat on your porch scrolling through your phone as you waited for Lucas to get dropped off by his manager. He had to go in for a meeting and said that they couldn't tell him what it was about until he got there. You hoped it would be some good news but you'll just have to wait.

You looked up as you heard a car coming down the road and saw the all-black Audi Q5 that carried Lucas inside, pulling up to your house. Lucas hopped out in a black t shirt rolled up on one side and black jeans. Once he closed the door the car pulled off and he started walking up to the townhouse you two share.

"Hey how was the meeting?" You asked. He stood in front of you and removed his mask, revealing his downcast face.

"I gotta talk to you." His voice sounded broken and patchy, like he was close to losing it. You stood up and the both of you walked into the house.

Heading into the living room you turned back to face him but he walked past you to sit on the couch.

"You're acting really sad about something. What happened?" You flicked your braids behind you as they had been in your face while you were trying to talk.

He leaned forward from the couch and removed his cap to put his head in his hands, gripping onto his hair as he did.

"They kicked me out babe." He said. Immediately your mouth became agape.

"Out of the group? Like your subunit or the whole nct?" You asked a probably obvious question but you wanted to make sure you understood the situation."

And you were surprised because everything had been going smoothly. After the recent comeback with wayv things were going well. That's what he had seemed like, until he had to go to China for his schedule there.

"The whole thing. Nct, Wayv, all of it. I'm done." He replied quickly.

"What happened during your schedule where they needed to kick you out?" Your head hung as you watched him try to compose himself by bouncing his leg and holding his hair.

"They just kicked me out. They said I was doing too many promotions outside of Nct but I don't know what happened. I was doing everything they told me do and I still was let go. I guess I was never good enough." He shook his head and sat up, finally looking at you for an answer or anything to make him feel better.

You got up from your spot on the couch and sat closer to him rubbing his back.

"Listen, you did the absolute best you could. I've supported you for the last five years and babe–" He looked away from you and back at the floor, but you grabbed his face by placing your fingers under his chin and gently pulling his head toward you.

"Look at me...You're one of the best of all of them. It's because you have a passion for what you do and you love your fans.  If anything, it's not because you weren't good enough." You smiled at him to which he began wrapping his right arm around your waist from the side.

You sat back against the couch so that he could lay his head on your thighs and bring his legs up onto the couch.

"You're my number one fan." You chuckled with him as you ran your hand through his dark brown hair.

"You know it." He chuckled again while you continued to play with his hair.

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