08| "cute leash"

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08| "cute leash"

Park Jimin:

Hey guys :) !


Woah, why are you so happy?


Right. Who sprinkled glitter in your Cheerios this morning?

What? I'm literally always happy.


Yeah but you rarely text first. But lately you've been texting first 🤔...


Maybe he got some pussy


Oh yeahhhh! Maybe he did!

If I did it's none of your business. I just wanted to talk to you both and be a good, interactive friend 🙄.


"We do not care"





Jimin walked into work Monday morning wearing his proper work attire, and the draw string bag he usual brought containing his personal items on his back.

He was in a good mood as he had been ever since Saturday. Every time he seen Kamille his mood was lifted, and he was a lot less grumpy now that he had permission to masturbate whenever his thoughts of her got out of hand.

He hummed to himself when he clicked in. He even woke up extra early this morning to greet Mrs.Butowsky and the angry old man whom were his rowdy neighbors. He felt great.

When he entered the back rooms he seen Seokjin sitting there on the phone. Jimin sat his things on the table before plopping down in a chair.

"Good morning." He greeted Seokjin.

"Morning, Park. Hey, do you think I would look cute with this?"

Jimin squinted his eyes and examined the picture of the sweater on the screen. It was cropped. Seokjin would look good with anything so of course he agreed.

"Why are you always online shopping at work?" Jimin asked, filled with curiosity. He had noticed this particular habit of seokjin's and it both amused and concerned him.

"Why not?"

"Because it's work?"

"Okayyy but is it "no online shopping allowed" work? No." Seokjin laughed to which Jimin only chuckled and looked away.

"Plus today has been very slow. Kind of boring but I'm glad because as we all know, when they bring those fucking zoo animals in here I get scared." Jin mumbled.

"They aren't zoo animals. The biggest we've ever gotten was a full grown husky." Jimin mumbled.

"Exactly. A damn zoo animal." Jin said before shutting off his phone.

"You've been in a good mood lately. I mean, you're always in a great mood but you came in here all smiley. What's going on?" Seokjin stated all of the sudden, catching Jimin off guard.

"Really? I look that happy?" He mumbled.

"Uh, yeah. And why? Is there someone in your life, eh?" Seokjin teased, judging the younger with his elbow. Jimin couldn't stop the smile that creeped up on his face.

Two weeks of knowing Kamille and the mere thought of her got him over the moon. But it wasn't because he liked her in that way, then again he did.

It was more so because of how she treated him.

"I guess you could say that, yeah." Jimin mumbled.

He had a habit of scratching at his neck when shy. Jimin continued to blush and smile as he brought his fingers up to scratch at his neck, unknowingly exposing more of the pink collar he wore.

Seokjin hummed, eyes catching sight of shining collar. He smirked.

"Must be a lucky girl." Seokjin mumbled, smirking.

"No, I think I'm the lucky one." Jimin said to which Seokjin raised his brows. He stood up from the seat and stretched his arms.

"Oh really? She seems pretty lucky to me but you're right. She does have a hold on you." Seokjin stated.

Jimin furrowed his brows, watching as Seokjin walked towards the door. He was confused by his statement but didn't ask anything.

Just before Seokjin turned to leave the room, he turned back to Jimin with a cocky little grin on his face.

"Jimin-ah." He said. Jimin looked over at him.

"Cute leash." He said before exiting the room.

In an instant, Jimin adjusted his collar. Of course it was still exposed and he had no shame in it, but the way Seokjin had basically teased him made him quite flustered.

"It's not even a leash." He mumbled, trying to hold in his smile.

A/n: just wanted to give y'all something short and sweet after that last chapter.

Excuse any mistakes.

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