32| wont deny

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32| wont deny

3rd person:

Hell. This felt like hell.

Kamille often wondered what people meant when they said running away from an issue would only hurt you even more in the long run. Now she could say she understood.

It's been two weeks since she last seen Jimin. She was grateful that Zo had been wandering off. otherwise she probably wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to see his face again.

She missed the little sub. And she hated how she was just beginning to admit it to herself.

There was something so enticing about Jimin. He was the perfect split of feminine and masculine. He was a cute guy who could also be extremely fucking hot. He was smart and compassionate. He has a soft side that he wasn't afraid to show. And he wasn't ashamed about his interest.

As Kamille let the days blow past without him being in her presence, she realized that Jimin was her type of man. Her dream man. A man that reached her standards.

It would be dumb to let him go but sadly, he had already slipped through her fingers. The dominant was far too stubborn for her own good. It's ruined her relationships before. And now she was letting it tarnish her happiness.

But, kamille had her reasons for being so cold on the outer edges. Just like everybody else, she had a past. Her relationship with her father was never good. Because he had scarred her at such an early age, teaching her just how cruel and nasty men could be, kamille took up the reputation of being stubborn with men.

She gave him the cold shoulder and the stone face. She dominated them because she didn't like the thought of a man dominating her. She hurt them because she had been hurt by men before.

And, the only plus that came from it was that all of those men who had ever pushed the pen to sign the contract found some type of sick, masochistic pleasure in pain.

Bdsm was supposed to be mutually beneficial. But truth is, kamille has never benefited from it much. No matter how much pain she inflicted on someone else. Hers could never be healed, subsided. She could never truly escape her past.

The 25 year old took a long, deep drag from her cigarette. Standing outside on the balcony of her apartment. She couldn't help but let the memories from a broken past haunt her. She should've been asleep, getting rest for a long days work tomorrow. But instead her mind was working hard to ensure she didn't forget the one and only park Jimin.

"Fuck him." Kamille cackled dryly, blowing out the smoke with a defeated smirk on her face. She knew what she felt. But still, she had lost.

She wondered if at night Jimin stayed up and thought about her. Did he go crying to his friends about her? Did he read over their old messages and vividly remember the scenes they both partook in once before?

Or was she but a memory to him now? Something told kamille that Jimin wasn't the type to move on easily. That she wasn't the only one stuck on their relationship. But she seriously believed she only told herself that to feel better. Maybe she underestimated him.

The strong breeze blows. Jimin put out the cig before pulling her robe tighter around her body. Underneath she only wore a bra and lacy black boy shorts. Her hair loose down her shoulders in all of his bleached curly glory.

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