13| pleasant surprise

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13| pleasant surprise

Kamille Davidson:

"Oh shit not again, Zo." Kamille grunted.

She hurriedly pulled the paper towels from the rack making sure that it was a thick enough roll so that she could clean up this huge mess her pet had managed to make.

"Mozzarella" or Zo was her 2 year old Husky. He was a pretty color that reminded her of mozzarella sticks - something between a bright yellow and off white.

He was also her bestfriend. And quite frankly she hated seeing him sick. She didn't know why lately he had been throwing up so much.

He was an active dog and obedient for the most part so she assumed that it wasn't something he ate because he didn't go against her when it came to that.

Then again she couldn't keep an eye out on him all the time because of work and other activities that she had to tend to.

Nonetheless she was worried for Zo, not wanting it to be anything major that could cause him great harm.

She sighed as she cleaned up his throw up before disposing of the paper towels. She then went over to wash her hands before drying them, watching from the side of her eyes as Zo limped back over to the corner and laid down.

"Aww baby, I think it's time I take you to the vet." She sighed and squared down next to him.

At that, his ears perked up and she could've sworn his eyes widened in fear. The only time he needed the doctors was to make sure he was up to date on his shots and that one time he had accidentally got a stick lodged in his teeth (don't ask).

So she wouldn't be surprised if it really was fear he had been feeling.

"Don't look at me like that. You need to go to the vet if you want to get better, Zo." She said.

The dog whimpered once more before rubbing his nose against her knee causing her to smile.

Kamille wasn't really a people's person. She preferred dogs and plants over people. She put up with some but not all of them.

Although they were extremely annoying, she showed respect to them. Still she really wasn't fond of them.

"I'll make you an appointment, bud." She mumbled, rubbing behind his ear for a bit before standing up to her full height.

Luckily she still had time to actually schedule him an appointment before work. Today wasn't as busy as her others usually were which was extremely relieving for her stress.

The woman took a seat at the kitchen island and pulled out her phone. The vet Zo used to visit had recent been shut down. It was being turned into a store she believed, so that was a lost cause.

She remembered who they had referred Zo to after the shut down. It was a small vet down town that had good reviews despite the building not being in the best shape - on the outside.

She nibbled on her lip and dialed the number.

Making Mozzarella an appointment had been easy. They were extremely quick and understanding. He had an appointment set for Tuesday morning which wasn't bad at all.

"All taken care of, Zo." She said to her puppy, smiling and sitting her phone down. She just hoped that everything turned out okay with him and it wasn't too extreme...


Tuesday morning came faster than expected which was good for Kamille since she wanted to find out what was going on with Zo as fast as possible.

She got ready for the appointment by dressing up in simple clothing. Jeans, a hoodie and a pair of black and white 1's before she took Zo and left the apartment building.

When they arrived at the vet she noticed how Zo was still being as sluggish as he was Sunday. She wanted to say it was getting better considering the fact that he wasn't taking random breaks and sitting down in the corners.

"Good morning." She greeted the receptionist with a kind smile, holding on to Zo's leash. The receptionist smiled at her kindly.

"Good morning. Can I get a name and who you're here for?"

"Kamille Davidson and I'm here for a Husky. Name Zo." She said.

The receptionist was quick to figure out who she was. She gave Kamille a paper to sign in which she happily did so. She was told that a doctor would be out to get them in about ten minutes so she took a seat and waited patiently.

The waiting room honestly was kind of small but luckily their weren't many people so she had space. She cooed at Zo and rubbed at his ears as he cuddled up against her. He was ten times the sweetheart he already was even when he wasn't sick which said a lot.

Ten minutes passed and as the receptionist had said, the door was swung open and her name was being called.

She looked up to see yet another woman who was probably about a few inches shorter than her.

"Kamille Davidson?" She called out.

"That's me." Kamille mumbled.

She followed behind the doctor who greeted her kindly.

The woman showed her to a room which the door was already slightly opened and she heard the sounds of feet moving against the floor inside. She assumed that the one who would be looking after Zo was prepping.

"You may enter. Mr.Park is just getting things situated." She said.

Kamille nodded. It hadn't yet dawned on her that the name "Park" sounded so familiar. But when it did, she didn't really think about it for long.

"It's not him so why worry?" She told herself before nodding slightly at the doctor and entering the room.

She didn't make her presence known yet. Not until the doctors turned around, the sound of the latex gloves he wore slapping his skin as he was opening his mouth to greet them.

However, he was quick to close it. His eyes widened in surprise once he noticed just who it was standing before him. He looked nervous but Kamille remained unbothered in front of him as she let go of Zo's leash.

"O-oh..." the man said, his voice a squeaky mess and it sounded just like it did anytime they met up.

Kamille smirked and took it upon herself to take a seat in one of the chairs, crossing one leg over the other as she looked up at him.

"Well good morning to you too -" she squinted her eyes for show, looking at his name tag. "Mr.Park." She said teasingly.

Her sub's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and from there she knew she would have fun teasing him for the rest of the appointment.

A/n: excuse any mistakes.

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