Once We Were Viking Lovers

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Long ago ~

If you had asked him what he was thinking of, he'd tell you it was nothing. If you asked if he was ill, he'd say he was fine. & he was. There was something about him though; something that kept him smiling all day as he worked in the forge. Making saddles and writing new idea's in the second small notebook he had. The ring on the second to last finger on his right hand, obviously visible.

Very few knew about them. His dad, Gothi, Astrid, & Fishlegs, were the only ones who knew. His dad wasn't the easiest person to tell, but when they did, he accepted their relationship with smiles & all. Gothi was more modest. She smiled as they told her. She gave them a blessing of good will and of good health. However, there was something to come that would separate them and no one was prepared. For the cause was unknown yet somewhat clear to vision. Now, in telling Astrid, she was slow to the idea. Having taken liking to the Future chief. It took a while, but she came to understanding and wished them good health & a long life together. Fishlegs was completely supportive with the relationship, although, he saw the danger ahead & knew what was to be the consequence of the two & their actions.

As time went on, the two felt each other growing closer in love, but farther in interests & personalities. Opposites are supposed to attract right? Apparently, not so. For one day, after they had a large fight, they stormed opposite directions. One going to the coast, the other, making a run for the forest.

The one at the coast, took off his ring & was about to throw it into the sea. He stopped in mid-swing of his arm. Looking at the ring, he sighed. Just as he began to put the ring back on, he gasped & everything went black.

The one in the forest was to do the same, except with the necklace around his neck. He took it off and was about to throw it at a tree, when he stopped. He looked at the necklace & sighed. As he put the necklace back on, however, he felt a strong pain in his chest, making him gasp and fall to the ground.

Everything going black.

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