Now, We are complete strangers ~

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Hiccup huffed as he brought the lit cigarette up to his lips, taking a breath before blowing out a skinny cloud of smoke. 'Jack Frost,' He thought, his two fingers holding the paper on his lips. It's not like he cared about the albino trouble-making violinist, he could care less about the lad, if it weren't for the fact that, everything about him was strangely.


Hiccup groaned, taking the paper between his teeth. 19, he was, going on twenty in June. Not like he'd tell anyone. He was locked up as tight as a Chinese escape artist's brand new bunch of locks & chains. Well, his heart, for that matter. Did he care?

Not one bit.

He could care for himself.

He was Hiccup Haddock.

He didn't need anyone.

And yet....

Hiccup groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. What was he missing? Was it something he knew about? Something only he could comprehend? Possibly not. But, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He raised a hand to his head, pain pounding between his brain & his skull. He took the necklace around his neck between his fingers, thankful no one was around. He gripped the necklace tightly, resting the back of his head on the hard brick wall. He closed his eyes and sighed. His lips pulling downward into a frown.

'Where are you?' He thought,'Where are you, Jackson?'
Jack hummed as he rubbed the scented lotion on his overly white, dry skin. He had been creeped out and nerved from his small encounter with the well talked about Prince of Berklin High. And it had left obvious goosebumps on his arms, and a bit on his legs. He wouldn't be lying if he said he had checked Hiccup out. But he'd be caught dead if anyone knew. That included his two best friends.

During the encounter, Jack was caught like a deer in the headlights as Hiccup ran into him. He had forgotten his Violin cleaning cloth, and was going to rush and get it from his locker when he collided with the other. It had lead him gasping and gaping at the sight. Hiccup Haddock was a thing to behold. Also, a thing to fear. No wonder people were scared of him.

However something seemed....


Jack knew it sounded cliché and cheesy, but it was true. He couldn't grasp how, but he knew something was there. There just had to be; in order for Hiccup to get the hair on the back of Jack's neck to stand up, & get him chilled enough to give him goosebumps. Jack looked at the necklace on his chest and sighed.

Was he being over-dramatic? Probably.

Was he acting paranoid? Possibly.

But he was not scared!

Besides, the two of them had just nothing in common! They were completely & totally strangers with no care or interest for each other. That's the way it was gonna stay...


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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