Once, You always noticed me ~

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Long ago ~

Hiccup smiled as he flew down to the ground on Toothless, his Night Fury. And there waiting for him, was Jackson Overland, His lover. Hiccup hopped off of Toothless and took Jackson into his arms. "Haha!" Jackson laughed. Hiccup smiled. "You're back for now, I see," Jackson said. Hiccup nodded. "Yep, I'm back," He said. "Good," Jackson said, capturing Hiccup's lips. No one was up at this hour of night; so no one saw them.

The two smiled at one another as they broke away from their kiss. "You must be exhausted," Jackson said. Hiccup nodded, tiredly. "I don't want to leave just yet," He said. Jackson crossed his arms and gave Hiccup a playful pout. Hiccup chuckled and pecked his lips.
"God Morgen," Jackson said, walking up to the forge one summer morning. "God Morgen Jack," Hiccup said,"Hold on for a minute and I'll be right with you." Jackson nodded, rubbing Toothless on the head gently. Hiccup wrote down something & then walked over to Jack, wrapping his arms around the other's waist & pecking the others cheek.

"How's my beautiful porcelain snowflake this morning?" He asked. Jack giggled,"Just grand, how is my mighty Dragon Trainer this morning?" "Perfect," Hiccup answered, bring their lips together. This was two months before the two confessed the secret of their relationship. They didn't hide. And they weren't really, accepted, yet.

They were sinners.

And sinners would never be accepted.


Defilement to the gods.

They didn't care. If they were to be separated? They'd find each other again. If one was ever sent away? The other would chase after him. If one was to burn at the stake? The other would drown in an icy underwater grave. If they were to die? They'd die for their love for one another.

Jack sighed and hugged Hiccup when their lips broke apart for air. Hiccup returned the gesture, panting & catching his breath. "I love you," Hiccup whispered. "I love you too," Jack whispered back, hugging Hiccup tighter.
"Hiccup?" Jack asked softly as they sat by a fire in the cove. "Yes?" Hiccup answered, intertwining their hands together as he took Jack into his arms.

"What would happen," Jack said,"If you forgot me?" That made Hiccup hold him tighter. "Why do you ask?" He questioned. Jack shrugged. "I've, just been having this thought," He answered. "Oh Jack," Hiccup said, giving the albino a small frown.

Hiccup kissed Jack's hand and sighed. "What ever demon of Loki has plagued your mind," He said,"Let it leave your spirit immediately. For what you doubt. Is yourself, our relationship, me." Jack gave him a look of horror. "Never!" He cried,"I would never doubt our relationship! I would never doubt you!" "But you are admitting that you doubt yourself," Hiccup said. Jack lowered his head.

Hiccup squeezed Jack's hand. "I will never forget you Jack," He said,"Never." Jack returned the squeeze & sighed. Hiccup buried his face into the nook of Jack's neck. "I will always notice you," He added, kissing up & down Jack's shoulder & neck. Jack hummed, tilting his head so Hiccup could receive more access.

'Let's pray that you are right...' He thought.

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