Now, We are HighSchool Opposites ~

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'Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-!'

Jack groaned as he slammed his alarm clock off with a rather forceful slap of his hand. He glared at the clock that had the audacity to wake him up for school. '7:00.' The clock said with it's mocking and blinding red numbers. Jack sighed and got out of bed.

This wasn't the first time he'd felt sick in the morning, he didn't know why, but his head spun painfully and his vision blurred as he felt a large pain in his chest. 'What is this?' He thought. He hadn't felt this pain for a long time. Too long for him to remember. He brushed it off as morning sickness and got up from the bed. He walked across the room to his dresser where he pulled out his usual attire. A dark navy blue t-shirt with usual navy blue sweatshirt, deer-tight jeans, which were honestly still pretty big on him, his usual blue & white convers, & the necklace he had hanging by the mirror.

Jack didn't know why he had the necklace, or where it came from. All he knew was that he had to wear it and never let it out of his sight. He look in the mirror. He sighed. His white hair was all tussled and messy; he could deal with it later. He looked down and smiled as he took ahold of his violin case. He opened it, making sure that the instrument was clean and in tune.

Once he had everything and triple checked that he had everything. He swung his book-bag over his shoulder and went downstairs for breakfast. He grabbed the lunch money that his uncle had laid out on the counter for him as he entered the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door. "Nothing," He huffed. He then looked at the clock. "Shit!" He yelled, running out of the house & sprinting down the sidewalk.
Jack hyperventilated as he stopped running. His hands on his knees as he bent over to try & catch his breath. "Well, ye're sure in a hurry, Frost," A Scottish accent said, piping Jack's attention. "S-Shut up, Merida," Jack answered as his two best friends, Merida & Rapunzel walked up to him. Rapunzel giggled,"Good morning to you too, Jack." Jack shot her a smile. After calming down, the three friends walked together.

Merida groaned as they reached the school campus. The usuals were always there first. The 'preppy Cheerleaders', the 'Jocks', the 'Geeks', 'Nerds', etc. Rapunzel sent her a worried look. "Hey," She said calmly,"Remember our talk that we had on Saturday?" Merida nodded. "And remember what I said about our temper," Rapunzel added with a raised eyebrow. Merida sighed, then nodded. "Good," Rapunzel said with a smile.

"We'll see ya inside, Frost," Merida said as she & Rapunzel walked away. Jack nodded and sent them a smile. "Alright!" He said. He then turned to head to his locker to get his books for first period. He sighed as he set his violin case above his locker, the handle sticking out-ward so he could grab it & go practice in the music room during lunch.

He'd been practicing for months, months of hard work, making sure every note was perfect. This was because he was determined to get into Berk Norway's University of Music. And the way he had to do that was to audition. He had sent the university a tape of him playing almost a year ago, & had gotten a letter back saying that they'd be willing to hear him play in person. & if he was good enough, it was his ticket to a good two and 1/2 years of free college.

He was determined to get into the university. And he would do anything to make sure he had a good spot.
Finally, the lunch bell rang. Jack practically sprinted out of the classroom to his locker. He grabbed his violin case from the top of his locker and made his way to the music room. The hall was (somewhat) completely deserted as Jack entered the unused room at the end of the hallway. Jack sighed as he closed the door and went to go set up.

Now, Jack wasn't the only one who took time to skip lunch. Because if you paid closer attention, you'd notice a roundish lightly freckled face, with eyes as green as emeralds, a pair of lips that showed no emotion, a round button nose, soft tussled dark-milky chocolate hair, with two braids in the back. The emerald eyes seemed to contain everyone who walked throughout the cafeteria below. As if keeping them in a secluded area. That's when an eyebrow was raised slightly in confusion. 'Where is that no good violinist?' The man thought. Oh yes, he knew who Jack was. Everyone knew who Jack was.

Jack had received his reputation in his freshman year of HighSchool as the 'Troublemaking violinist'. He pulled pranks, cracked jokes. He was basically the class clown during school hours. But after school, during free periods, even during lunch, Jack Frost was cooped up in the safety of the music room. The man scoffed as he stood up from his stooping/bending over position.

He made his way down the hallway, slowly, of course. Not like he cared about what the other students were having for lunch, whether it was good or not. Not like he cared at all. This man's reputation you ask? Well.

He was the son of Valka & Stoick Haddock, the owners of Highland Berk HighSchool and all Berk Norway universities. He was a bad boy, a troublemaker, he was the punk that everyone feared. He was--

"Umf!" He said as someone bumped into him. "I-I'm so sorry!" It was Jack. "I didn't mean too!" He showed no emotion as Jack moved out of his way. "You've got some nerve, Frost," He muttered bitterly. Jack didn't make eye contact with him. Why would he? No one did anyway. He stared down at Jack. After a while he huffed and walked away. Jack's heart began to beat faster. Who was this guy?

He was Hiccup Haddock, the unemotional, cold-hearted HighSchool Prince. And he just earned his prey. ~
(A/N: So, 1st story, 2nd chapter. Tell me what you all think & how I'm doing so far! I appreciate the encouragement!)

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