"What is the true reality, Jake!"

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The next day after Jake and Elijah moved in, Elijah said "Baby, ima head out and fine a job! I bet there's allot of jobs available for me to work in Southtown in the mean time, i hope we have enough money to fly to Europe!" And jake gave a weird and concerning face to herself and said " well I don't think we can fly around ahah, we have to stay here all the way" and Elijah was soo strange out by what jake said and elijah asked "why dear? Is there something wrong??" Jake changes the subject and said "Its nothing! Ehehe, urm i think its time for you to go work, i have something going on with William ahah, William wants to introduce me around of southtown! Have fun at work dear, or shall i say, all the best finding a good job!!" Elijah left the house with a thinking "What has happened to my wife/husband? He NEVER changed the subject but suddenly he does this? I have no words..." Elijah found a job downtown of southtown, the job only required fast and smart people as they requires them to draw and sketch out new buildings and future plans of southtown. Elijah went in the building and hear a person getting fired.. but elijah noticed something strange.. the person was smiling to it and not crying. He discovered that people living in southtown acted differently then a normal human being as they kept on smiling to even serious situations. With elijah ability similar to visions mind stone capabilities, elijah goes up to a person and read the persons mind. The person said in the mind as they sense elijah reading their mind . The person says "Pls tell her that southtown is not a real town!! Its a made-up town! The truth is southtown is a town located in a abandon field in California! Pls tell her. Elijah was shocked and nervous and questioned to himself "So thats why Jake acted so strangely when i said, 'lets go to Europe honey!!' I have to go home and get the bottom of this". It was 9 pm and Jake was preparing dinner for himself, as she was cooking, elijah walked in the kitchen with a serious face and slowly starting a conversation with elijah. And slowly every-time the subject changes and fades into another subject elijah said "Honey, this is a serious question, tell me the truth about southtown. I read someones mind at work and they told me everything" . Jake looked up at the window and said that "Oh its prolly cuz the person had a bad nightmare, its fine, whatever he/she or whatever the persons pronouns is, is not true ! ;-;" Elijah gave up talking as He doesn't wanna start a argument wif jake as jake is really really competitive when someone tried to argue with him. Instead elijah think that Jake is hiding something and he MUST ! Know the truth 😃👋

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