The truth about Southtown.

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When Elijah came back home just like what Vision did in Wandavision, Elijah asked Jake, "Where's Asher? Didn't they just came in here??" And Jake said "Oh they left babe, they had to go check on their mom!" But the REAL truth was Asher finally get to experience, feel and see what is outside of Southtown. When Asher landed on the field full of lights and exited the borders keeping Southtown running, their eyes started to glow red as the borders of Southtown is a wall of infinity stones. Technically the truth that Asher didn't know is that Jake gave them powers similar to the reality stone. When Asher open their eyes, the first person they saw was billy (aka Wiccan) being concerned and when they stood up they remembered that Wanda and her family were gathered outside of Southtown waiting for something to happened. Doctor strange and his daughter Micheala was looking at Asher as they try to go and get medical treatment.Wanda said to billy "Can i talk to you abit, this is concerning." As Wanda and billy was finding a spot to talk to Doctor Strange grew concerned about how the "Maximoff" family is too powerful for the magic realm. He was concerned of how Jake might be the hell opener as stated in a new chapter of the dark hold. As Wanda and billy found a spot to talk to, Wanda started to tear up and said to billy "I know this would happened again, i just had a bad feeling the moment Jake entered our home again billy, after i close the hex at Westview 20 years ago, i just had a feeling the same thing will happened again.. Agatha was right, I'm a myth, my destiny is to destroy the world, but instead it's not 'me' Who's gnna destroy the world, its YOUR daughter billy...". Billy tries to comfort his mother as Micheala was staring at them. Thomas was there too as William said he will try and free Jake from the twisted reality Jake has made. (William is Agatha grandson, BUT he is not a villain!"

The next morning after the events of that, William finally decides to introduce himself to Jake Maximoff and tell her that she is 100 times more powerful than her grandmother, father and even KHAON. When William was studying about Jake, he realised that Jake is a walking gauntlet as Jake has 6 of the abilities of the infinity stones. As William was finding ways to bring Jake into his 'house' and bring her to his grandmother's basement, William found a idea of talking to Jake a few things about being a Trans Housewife by saying "You need the laundry materials? Its in my basement!" Jake gave William a very strange out faced as he asked her to go to the basement. So Jake did and Jake didn't realise its a trap to William. William closes the door behind of Jake and use the spell to keep her tied up so that Jake cant use her powers against William. William explained to Jake how dangerous her powers is to society and how it can ripped the universe apart as Jake is a "walking infinity stones" Jake said, "but i thought Steve Rogers brought back the infinity stones after The avengers fought against thanos, my grandmother was there." William laughed sarcastically as William said "Urm dooode, you do know the infinity stones are alive even without its 'presence' right? You can have the powers from it without even having the stones. Dont you know? You're the hell opener. You're supposed to be protecting hell from being opened by curious souls, not here making lgbtq+ love stories or even enjoy having sex with your fictional boy you've made, now do you see? You've been living in a world full of fiction. That dick inside of you isn't real, its ur magic Jake." Jake realised what William said was true, she is too tied up to the fictional world she have made to the point she can't even tell which is real and which is not real. She realised that her life/her husband is all fake similar to Wanda in her sitcoms series called "Wandavision" . William is soo curious about Jake life and her story and how she made this fictional world, so to that William did the spell like what his grandmother made to Wanda Maximoff. The door opens to Wandas house where Jake and Wanda were having a conversation about Jakes future powers and abilities. The moment Jake saw...

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