"I am who i am."

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The moment when Jake saw Wanda, Jake broke down in tears as Jake know whats gnna happen after this part when Wanda told Jake that his powers are too powerful for this world, more powerful than HER. Wanda told Jake that he should wear the gloves that Wanda wore to keep it from unleashing and making a possible threat to human kind. Jake watches as he should have listen to her own grandmother about the gloves and she shouldn't even take off the gloves. William open up another door and this is the raft door. Jake knows that Wanda couldn't control Jake mind and Billy too, so they send her to the raft where she is safely kept away from society. Jake watches as she breaks out of the raft and flew over near the Arctic Ocean where she made Southtown. Although Antarctica is not a safe place for humans to be at, Jake is out of the mutant or a human range, she is simply the god of all. With William finally knowing the truth about Southtown, William finally think it's time to introduce Jake to super chaos magic, more powerful than chaos magic that Wanda Maximoff has. It is in good consideration that William says that he's the hell opener but sooner may gain the title as "The scarlet witch". With Jake finally realising about this, Jake broke down in tears thinking shes a threat to this world and she should just kill herself, with William all concern William when and talk to Jake about it and how she can still be the hell opener and still be alive, "Maybe try and accept your true self and love urself?" And with the tears in Jake eyes Jake said "i am who i am...". William suggest to Jake that he should tell Elijah the truth and discuss how she can close the hex and move on from her life as the Future scarlet witch. Jake had no choice but to accept the truth about her life, and the worst and most painful part is telling Elijah that he has been a body with no soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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