Chapter 3: The letter

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You ran through the forest. The wet breeze was very chilly and light as the mist was thick, making it harder to see. You jumped up to the tree. You tried to remember what the villager told you about the demon you hunted for weeks. Many demon slayers went missing because of this demon. You volunteer to kill it yourself. You were searching for years to find the demon who murdered your brother.  Maybe this was the one. You could avenge your brother and finally live in peace.

     "In the mist..." You have already seen the river, "....Pass the river,"  You repeated the villagers words.

     You stood up on the branch as you looked around. A figure in the mist was walking under you. They continued walking. You squinted your eyes trying to match-out the figure. You paused as the figure turns toward your direction.  The mist clear for just a second. You gasped in shock. Your heart pounded so loudly it could be visible to anyone with a sense of hearing and touch. Your mouth was agape from the specific appearance you last saw him in years.

     Your brother made a small smile as he lifted up his hand on the air. Your eyes widen becoming sentimental. Your breathing was short as you inhaled in and out. You jumped down the tree. You ran towards your brother.

    Each step you took sent vibrations to your body, causing you to stop completely in front of him. Something about your brother did not seem right. His steps were not visible to your touch at all. His smile dropped.

   "Why did you stop?" He roughly said making his face become colder and emotionless.

      You grabbed your sword's handle ready to kill the creature messing with your mind. What demon hallucinations were these? How could they know his exact voice and figure without messing a single detail? How could they know he was the one you were looking for?

You heard a giggle come from behind. You took your sword out in a brisk. You shifted your body to have the strength to divide it's head off its neck. The slice was neat as the head fell off without a struggle. The demon's body collapsed.

You stared at the body, finally understanding it wasn't one demon. There were multiple. You turned to the direction the hallucination of your brother came from.

"Help me..."

"Help me...."

"Please save me..."

"I want to live..."

"It's hurts so much..."

Multiple voices came from the mist as the voices sounded like the last words of the demons' victims. You continued to walk towards the voices as the became louder sounding more in distressed and in pain. You ignored the voices as much as possible. You looked down to the grass having old footsteps and blood. You knew the sight you would see wouldn't be as easy.

You came to a stop as you soon found old corpses trailing around the forest. You lowered your head as you noticed the more closer you would get, the more bodies you would find, including the demons responsible for it.

You felt the steps of a creature appearing in front of you. You held your sword tightly, lifting it up in defense. You heard the sound of its body forming and cracking. The mist clear showing off the beautiful creature.

It lifted its wings that were so elegant and graceful. It's wings were filled with every color that made it seem like a beautiful death. You found your eyes staring at the creature. You could not look away, as it seemed like a little insect you feared. The wings were hypnotic. Your body began to relax without your command. Your hand released your sword. Your sword made 'thud' as it hit the ground.

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