Chapter 7:Demons for Revenge

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You and Kyojuro walked towards the large crowds of people. You search around the casino for your mother. She was no where in sight. You stared at crowds as you found an old care taker of yours in the crowd, gambling at the poker table. She was older than what you remember her to be. You turned to Kyojuro telling him to follow you. Both of you shoved through the crowds of people.

You laid your hand on her shoulder. She shifted her hand quickly to your touch. You stared at her as she was surprised to see you back. Genuinely, she was like a second mother to you.

The old woman got off the seat and pulled you in a hug. But you moved her away as your only objective was to stop the your mother.

"Karime where is my mother?" You asked in her a low tone she seemed confused.

Karime only observed your expressions.

Karime answered,"She returned back to the estate. Lady (L/n), what's wrong? I haven't seen you since you disappeared??" Karime being a concerned mother figure as she was shocked as if she was never told about your return.

     "My mother is in a difficult situation that must be put to a stop. Karime, please don't go to the estate at this time. Go home safely," You strictly ordered her,hoping she would listen to you.

    Karime nodded with hesitations. She stood up from her chair, her face was filled with thoughts she wanted to say but she kept in.

You shifted to Kyojuro speaking to him,"We should make a plan before we go to the estate."

"Agreed." Kyojuro said loudly, keeping the serious expression on his face.

Karime watched as you left with Kyojuro towards the crowds.

You and Kyojuro sped your through the crowds towards the exit. You decided it was best to stay together because of the events before. Something like that could happen again without any realizations.

You were still stress to come in contact with your mother again. No matter how hard you hide it on your face. Your body was trembling. You were anxious to really prove she became a demon you had to slaughter in order to save more people.

You walked out on the roads. You searched around to see if there was anyone waiting for you so they could pounce. Kyojuro couldn't see anyone.

"We don't have much time," You spoke out sucking up any ounce of bottle emotions you had in your chest, sounding more harsh than usual.

"(Y/n)..." Kyojuro called your name with a sympathetic voice as he realized what you were trying to do.

Every time you would speak harshly was out of anxiousness and stress. You wouldn't eat because of it. Your cold actions and avoiding any physical touch wasn't just because you didn't like it. It was because of your family. And now your family was brought back into your life. Kyojuro wasn't ignorant to understand your feelings. These situations never ended well.

"We don't have time for this,"You said as he was stared at your facial expression waiting for you to break any second.

"If you desire to... I could.." He was hesitate to ask if you wanted him to take over the mission instead letting you finish it.

You shook your head as you realize what he wanted to say. You began to grab your brother's sword out of habit from the laced ribbon wrapped around your dress.

"No." You said so coldly and heartless that even Kyojuro grew chills from his skin as he could see you were already accepting to kill your mother

"I will kill her so don't intervene," You warned him as you said it to his face as you were becoming more anxious than you anticipated,"Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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