Life Lessons

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"He is a boy, he needs to eat more."
This was the excuse my mom gave when she gave extra food to my brother. He could sleep in, go out with his friends and come back at night while I wasn't even allowed to talk with my friends on the phone for more than 15 minutes, let alone going out with them.

"The world is a dangerous place for girls", they said.
They didn't realise that they didn't want to make it a better place for us.

As I grew older, the disobediance began.

I began to sleep into afternoon during holiday, stayed up till dawn before going to bed. I did everything I wasn't allowed to before because it is not becoming of a girl to do so. I was criticised for this behaviour by my parents, who spoke about this to my entire extended family.
By this I had stopped caring. I stopped listening to them.

I only thought of myself and how I was living the life I wanted. But later own I realised that its not their fault. It was just how they were raised, and they did the same thinking it to be right.

I wish my parents could broaden their perspectives. Or atleast ask us the reason why we are unhappy with their decisions. If we all could just sit down talk and be willing to understand the reason behind each action, I believe we can live along each other a lot more peacefully.

Its easy to love a stranger, its hard to keep it there as we become familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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