A long fought war of Gender Inequality

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Growing up in a middle class migrant family in the middle east, gender inequality was kind of ingrained into me.
My father's obvious bias towards my brother made me wish to be born as a boy. I tried to be headstrong and disliked anything that was deemed to be 'girly'.
When puberty hit me, I dressed in clothes that concealed my feminine shape, not just because of my tomboyish ways but also to hide myself from the creepy stares of random men.

One never realises how much theses stares and 'accidental' gropes influence children. I guess a young pre-teen praying to change her gender must give the unaware an inkling.

As I became a young adult, I had already began to see where I was wrong. I shouldn't have to hide my body because of some perverted men. I shouldn't have to change my gender because my dad pampered my brother more. I definitely shouldn't be judged by my clothes or any other aspect just because I am a girl. And finally feminists are not men haters.

I recently realised that some words in certain languages describe women as a beautiful fragile showpiece, firecracker, an object of addiction. These usage of these words have been normalised to such an extent, that sometimes women look forward to be called as such.

Today I am on a path of discovery and overcoming my fears. Because this world does not wait for anyone. It rotates and revolves. And if you want to make for a space for yourself in it, you have to make yourselves comfortable in it.
Because I deserve the freedom to do so just like anyone else.

The gender doesn't matter.
It never did

If you are reading this, thank you so much for giving me a chance.

Have a great day😊🥰

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