Missing Cat (Shinkami)

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Shinsou POV
He woke up in the morning and opened his eyes to see Denki sleeping soundly in his arms. He smiled and gave him a small kiss knowing he wouldn't wake up but was still careful when he shifted out of bed laying his boyfriend back down gently on the bed. Denki needed the sleep after he had worked a double last night and hadn't gotten back until late. He stood up and placed the blanket back on Denki and walked into the bathroom to take a short shower.

Once he got out of the shower he saw the sun shining on Denki's face and closed the shades so that he would be able to sleep easily and wouldn't wake up. After that, he crouched down and called their cats, Moon and Shadow who were normally on the bed when he woke up so the fact they were nowhere to be seen was concerning. He heard small meows and walked around and found Moon meowing and pawing at the door. The door was partially open and he realized that Shadow was missing. His eyes widened and he scooped up Moon, placed her down on the bed before closing the door.

Denki was still asleep and he glanced over at him and debated waking him up but wanted him to sleep so he wandered around their apartment in search of the cat. It wasn't that big of an area so after around an hour he had thoroughly checked every part of the apartment he ended up back in their bedroom and glanced at Denki. He was starting to feel a small amount of panic and focused on keeping calm since panicking wouldn't help anything. He took a deep breath and exhaled shakily once again walking around and got halfway around before he heard Denki moving and he stood up looking over at him seeing his boyfriend reaching out for him and then frowning when he wasn't in bed.

When Denki sat up he made sure to keep his face straight and just ended up staring at him and when they made eye contact he saw Denki give him a look. "Good morning," Denki said, sounding hesitant and he cleared his throat. "Morning, how'd you sleep?" Denki looked at him making eye contact again and he wanted to look away since he could tell Denki knew something was wrong, he was never able to hide anything from Denki. His boyfriend extended his hand and he looked at it confused before he gestured for him to come over. He narrowed his eyes before walking over and sitting down on the bed taking his hand. "What's wrong?" He looked away from Denki not wanting to meet his eyes. "Shadow's gone." His voice was a lot smaller than he wanted it to be and he looked up at Denki. "The door was left open and he's gone."

He felt Denki's arms wrap around him and he was pulled against him. He was going to push away since he didn't think he could handle the physical contact without losing his calm facade and they needed to find her not waste time here plus Denki had just woken up. Despite his thoughts, he wrapped his arms around Denki leaning his head to rest on his shoulder and burying his face in it. "What if she doesn't come back." He whispered and felt Denkis hand on the back of his head running his fingers through his hair. "Don't worry baby, we'll find her." He wanted to stay like that but he should check again and he took a shaky breath before sitting up and nodding. He stood up and realized Denki had just woken up and this was a lot for just waking up. "I'm going to check outside." He mumbled and grabbed his hoodie looking down at Moon and petting her.

He stepped outside and looked around not sure of where to start since there was so much area to cover. The thought of that caused a small spike of worry but he shook it off and started wandering around looking for Shadow hoping to see the black cat somewhere. Around two hours later he had searched everywhere around here and there was no sign of him anywhere causing him to worry. He trudged into their apartment and saw Denki checking out the window.

After running around and they had checked everywhere and still hadn't found him he was starting to worry and leaned back against the door thinking about where the cat could be. He couldn't think of anywhere that he could be hiding that they hadn't already checked. He was snapped out of his thoughts by two golden eyes looking up at him worriedly. He looked down at Denki not sure of what to say and since they had woken up late it was getting late which just increased his worry and he felt his breath hitch watching the sun getting lower in the sky. A warm hand was placed on the side of his face and looked down at Denki. "Let's get some food mkay?" He just nodded slightly and Denki took his hand pulling him into their kitchen.

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