My first...

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My first boyfriend moved on and has a new girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier for him. We tried over the years to make it work again between us, but in the end, we both knew it wasn't right. I'll always be grateful for the moments we spent together, and I wish him all the best. He certainly deserves it, seeing as no one has ever loved me better than he did.

My first heartbreak tried to win me back by proving he's not the same little boy I once knew him as. I tried to give him another chance, but in my heart, I knew it wasn't meant to be. I can forgive him for our turbulent past, but I can't forget it happened. In situations like these, some endings are just that, endings, and not new beginnings.

My first love is in love with somebody else. I owed it to myself to let him go. I was hurting myself too much by loving somebody that didn't love me back, and even if a miracle did happen and there was a chance we could be together, I wouldn't take it. I now accept the fact that I deserve a better hand than the one I was being dealt.

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