Chapter 1 (Flashback)

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~Zelda's POV~

I paced up and down the large throne room of Hyrule Castle in an annoyed fashion. How could he be so foolish?! It's him, or all of Hyrule. I can't believe he would choose himself. I eventually threw myself onto the throne-like chair and sighed, my blonde hair falling around my face gracefully. I kept a firm grip on the handle of my pathetic little sword. If he denied me again, I'd have no choice...

1 hour before

I sat on the throne, watching as a Hylian warrior clad in green knelt down at my feet, before standing up straight and smirking in a manner I'd never seen him in before. Link. The supposed "Hero of Time". He'd changed, and I knew it. "So, ahem... Princess." He started, putting extra effort into the word "princess". He knew I hated that... "What is it?" He asked, fake-yawning as if to tell me to hurry, he had better things to do. I kept my cool. The "hero" would not get to me. Not this time. "Link... I called you here to talk about... him..." I began, trying to sound as polite as possible. Link immediately began to get defensive. "Shut up, already! I know what you're gonna say and the answer is still no!" The dirty blonde Hylian yelled into my face. "B-but..." I whimpered, not used to being shouted at, especially by him. "If he isn't gone... all of Hyrule will be plunged into misery and--" Link cut in, actually getting teary for once. "No! Y-you know how much I love him! Y-you're not gonna take that away from me!"

Somehow, seeing Link getting this worked up gave me confidence. I grabbed him by the ear and shoved him towards the window, pointing at the great war taking place on what used to be our beloved Hyrule Field. "You see this?! If it weren't for him, everything would be alright by now!" I screamed into his ear. Link was stronger than me though, and he pulled away without a word. "I... Link..." I uttered in less than a whisper, but the damage had been done. I had showed my true colours; a selfish princess who doesn't stop to take in others' feelings. Link ran off without a word.

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