Chapter 3

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~Link's POV~

Dark said nothing. He just stared at me with his cold, dead stare. His eyes glowed brighter than usual.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. "I'm sorry..." I muttered. I knew it wasn't much, but what in the name of Farore was I supposed to say? Dark clenched his fists, then unclenched them when he saw me looking. I could tell he just wanted me dead. I held out an arm to place it round his shoulders, but he slapped it away.

"No, no... It's alright." He said, clearly trying to sound happy. But I heard the shakiness in his voice. "Clearly the princess who couldn't give a fuck less about you is more important to you than I am." His voice was now dripping with irony. My eyes widened a little. "What?! No, that's not true! D-Darkie..." I whimpered. He rolled his eyes. "Please... You have to understand... It's part of my destiny... I have no choice..." My voice trailed off as I saw Dark's eyes narrow. "Oh yeah. I forgot. Little Linky has to save the world." He spat mockingly. I felt a tear run down my cheek. How could he say such a thing...? "Wow, are you crying? Pathetic." He said bluntly. I knew what I'd done. This was how Dark used to be. Cold and heartless. All because of Zelda. Zelda and her stupid hopefulness that someone would stand up and save the world. She ruined everything I had.

I swung my sword at the lone tree in the middle of the room. It was an illusion, but I didn't care. Dark had vanished, but I saw him in my reflection when I looked down at the water below. A glint of red shined in my eye. "I love you..." were the last words I said that day.

Author's Note ~ Sorry the chapters are getting shorter. I've had writers block recently so yeah. XP Sorry.

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