Chapter 6

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~Link's POV~

Every part of my body ached. As I strained my eyes to open, I saw where I was. I was in a dark, mildly candlelit room... The floor beneath me was cold and hard. Stone. I thought. The walls looked the same in the dim light. Everything was so... Quiet... Besides the sound of water dripping... At least, I hope it's water. My stomach lurched. The was an unearthly chill, and I could taste metallic blood in my mouth. It was just unsettling... What had gotten in to me? I used to be so level headed...
As I went to get up and move, sharp pain raced through my stomach and sides where the guards had struck me with their spears. I hissed in pain through my teeth, and went to place a hand on my open wounds, but when I tried, I realised that both my wrists, along with my ankles, were chained to the ground. They felt bruised and were stinging like hell. Swearing internally, I noticed that my undershirt had been entirely ripped off and my tunic was almost torn in half, my stomach showing. I looked at my wound. There was dirt and other unknown things jammed into the flesh. I grimaced. That's gonna get infected if not already... Shit... I was not wearing my boots or my hat and my bare feet had cuts all over. How far had those guards gone...? I know for sure I had no time to fight back...
Frustrated and confused, I ran a hand through my dirty blonde hair, only to feel congealed blood. I pulled my hand away, whimpering.
"What did I do so wrong...?!" I cried out, my voice bouncing around the chamber. There was no reply, not that I expected one. There wasn't a single other soul down here. The room was small by the sound of it... There were no windows, yet it was ice cold... A chill ran down my spine. This was too much, and for what? Nothing has been achieved... I had to get out, and fast. But I didn't know how... I didn't know anything anymore.

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