Chapter 4

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~Link's POV~

I was woken by dazzling bright light. Squinting a little, I realised it was the sun. I felt soft grass beneath me, and the smell of nature was imminent. Taking a look around, I saw that I was at Lake Hylia, and my clothes were damp. Then it hit me. I must have left the Water Temple because of... Dark... A lump caught in my throat just thinking about it. But what I did afterwards was just stupid... I'd curled up by a tree and cried... Just cried. I must have cried myself to sleep or something.
I stood up shakily and walked past the laboratory. Rumours from Castle Town say there's a crazy guy in there, but I never really cared enough to see for myself. As I walked out of the Lake Hylia area into Hyrule Field, a strange loneliness swept over me. Of course... It was the hour of twilight. Where our world intersects with theirs. How long had I slept for?! I shook my head. The Twilight Realm was the least of my worries. It was not the cause of my loneliness either. It's just... Last time is walked through Hyrule Field, it'd been with Dark...
My thoughts were yet again interrupted by yelling in the distance. I saw a figure... 2 figures, 3 figures...4... This wasn't right. I unsheathed my sword and narrowed my eyes. Upon them getting closer I saw that they were Hyrule Guards... What were they doing? I hated them anyway. They were stuck up, and worst of all, they were on Zelda's side. Like her puppets... My attention snapped to them and I noticed sonething which made my heart pound.
They were yelling my name. And heading straight for me.

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