With you

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There will be a bit of a heated scene in this chapter, if you don't want to read it I will put ❤︎ ⚠️ ❤︎ when it starts. I won't put one when it ends cuz the heated scene ends at the end of chapter.

Harley perked up at the sound of a mans voice he brought the glass slightly away from his lips and turned to face the man who was trying to engage in conversation with him.

The first thing Harley noticed was the cat like eyes staring at him followed by the small swaying of a tail. "I suppose you can say that, however a shitty life is more accurate ."

The man hummed as he took a small sip of his drink. "Shitty parents?"

"Parent" Harley corrected before chugging the last of his drink

"It was your father wasn't it, what he do abuse you? No I take that back your too cute to hit unless it's with my lips" he winked.

Harley felt his face warm up a bit, he wasn't used to being hit on. Even so he decided to do something bold.

With an innocent smile he leaned forward, propping himself up with his hands that were on the empty seat in front of him. While doing so he made sure to maintain eye contact. He let five seconds pass by to build a bit of suspense before bring his hand up to his cheek and lightly tapping it.

The mans eyes widened slightly at the action but went back to normal a split second later. With a small smirk he leaned forward, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.

Harley purred "So gentle~" then sat back up. "Chris another please" he smiled waving over the bartender

"So do you have a name leonin?"

"it's Harith, what about you? Whats your name" Harley paused for a moment pondering wether or not to say his full name. Harith only said his first so he decided to do the same.

"Harley....Harley at your service" he did a small bow, earning a small chuckle from Chris.

"Problem?" Harith's ears went back, the soft swaying of his tail came to a stop while the tip twitched slightly.

"Sorry it's just funny to see Harley actively socializing, not to mention that little stunt is way out of his comfort zone" the corner of his lips twitched upwards forming a nervous smile.

Harith's ears went forward, his tail went back to swaying softly. Embarrassment was evident on his face "Ah I see, I apologize if I frighten you."

Chris smiled genuinely at his apology "All good. Now you boys have funnnn, I'm going to go do my job" he added with a sly smirk directed to Harley.

Once the bartender was out of ear shot the two looked at each other, then began laughing quietly to themselves.

During this Harith took the opportunity to move seats so he was next to Harley.

Just as Harley was about to bring the glass up to his lips a hand was placed on his. His emerald eyes made contact with the others amber eyes.

"I think it's best if you don't have so much". Harley raised an eyebrow, it was obvious that he was confused. "I rather have your consent when your not under the influence" he explained, however this only confused him further.

Playing with the wrong people Where stories live. Discover now