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His face became devoid of any color. The slight pink tint on his cheeks were long gone.

The fun memories he was gushing about minutes prior left a bitter taste in his mouth. It hadn't even been twenty four hours since the memories were created, yet the world already decided to slap him down.

Harley was so caught up in his own mind that he hadn't realized that the meeting was long over. Some of his colleagues swarmed around him like moths to a flame.

Most congratulated him while others tried their best to happy for him, and choke down their jealousy.

With a slight nod of his head he got up and left. Some of his friends called after him, since this was so out of character for him, but his face never changed, nor did his steps falter.

Once they realized that he had no intention on stopping they came to a halt, however only one person dared to follow him, and that was none other then his best friend lylia.

She ended up following him all the way to his car where he let his head fall upon the horn, making the car emit a high pitched scream.

A small sigh left her mouth as she tried to open the car door only to find out he locked it. With a frown on her face she knocked on the on the window. His head turned so he could look her in the eyes.

'Harley open the door' she wrote in the air using a bit of dark magic.

Harley's dull eyes scanned over the words a couple times before he motioned to the passenger seat. Lylia's face lit up slightly, and rushed to the other side of the car.

"What's going on?" She asked, as she got into the seat.

"I-I-" the words got stuck in his throat. His lips quivered ever so slightly, with hot beads of tears getting ready to fall from his emerald eyes.

A worried expression flashed on lylia's face as she grabbed onto his shoulders. Harley wasn't the sentimental type of person so seeing him cry twice in one week terrified her.

"L-lylia I...i can't do this!" He choked out, as more tears glazed over his eyes making his emerald eyes look like they were fogged up.

She blinked a few times try to make sense of what he said "What can't you do?" She questioned when she couldn't decipher his words.

"I...can't" he repeated. "I can't lylia" he repeated again sounding like a broken record.

"Hey... it's alright. Try, and calm down" she soothe, rubbing circles on his back.

A few minutes later, soft sniffles could be heard followed by Harley pulling away from lylia.

"C-can we go home?" His voice was soft and meek.

A small smile tugged at her lips "of courses, I'll drive okay"

"Okay" he tried to smile back.

Once the two switched places neither of them exchanged words, only the low rumble of the engine filled the silence.

Lylia occasionally snuck glances at Harley since he was so quite since they began driving.

Lylia was afraid he'd made a teleportation array, however he was simply resting his head on the window watching the cars go by.

Playing with the wrong people Where stories live. Discover now