Chapter 14

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

"Do you own this house?" Amanda asked as Neen drove her car into the driveway of a one story bungalow. "It looks so pretty and cozy."

"The mortgage is not yet fully paid," Neen replied.

"I wish I could have a house of my own but my parents won't allow me to leave," Amanda said as she stepped out of the car.

"Are you an only child?" Neen asked.

"Yes, I am," Amanda replied.

"That explains it," Neen remarked.

"Explains what?" Amanda asked.

"Explains why your parents won't let you leave the nest," Neen replied as she unlocked her front door and then moved aside and motioned to let Amanda go into the house first.

Amanda stepped into the small area where there was a coat rack, an umbrella rack and a shoe rack before being led into the living room.

"Make yourself comfortable," Neen said, pointing to a couch and handing Amanda the TV remote. "I will prepare ourselves a drink."

"A nice cold can of beer would be nice," Amanda said with a wink.

"That is exactly what I was going to offer you," Neens said as she dropped her key into a small copper bowl in one corner of the living  room.

Amanda mindlessly changed from one TV channel to another, not really paying attention to what was on the screen.

In a few seconds, Neen came back carrying a can of ice cold beer in each hand.

She had just handed a can to Amanda when both of them heard a series of loud urgent knocks on the front door.

"Open up! This is the police! We have a search warrant!"

"What the hell," both Neen and Amanda exclaimed at the same time.

Neen set down her can of beer on the coffee table and headed for the door.

"What's going on, Officer?" Neen asked one of the two police officers standing at the door.

"We're here because of a report of kidnapping," one of them replied.

"I do not have a minor staying in my house right now," Neen declared, totally annoyed at the interruption of what she had anticipated to be a pleasant enjoyable time with Amanda.

"We would like to search your house. ma'am," the older of the officers said, presenting to her the search warrant that he was holding. "We cannot go by just your words."

"Suit yourselves," Neen said with a sigh of resignation. "But I can assure you that you are making a big mistake,"

The two officers stepped into the living room. took a look at Amanda, and took a look at a photo that they were holding.

Amanda stared back at them defiantly, somehow aware that her father was responsible for this incident.

Sure enough, after taking another look at the photo that one of them was holding in his hand, the older and bigger officer approached Amanda and grabbed her wrist, saying, "We have orders from your father to take you home."

"This is ridiculous!" Neen yelled at the officers. "She is not a minor! There is no kidnapping taking place here! She came of her own will! What kind of fuckery is this!"

"Please step aside, ma'am," the older officer said to Neen who was now blocking the front door. "We don't want to have to force you out of the way."

"What possible reason would you have to believe that this is a kidnapping?" Neen stayed where she stood.

"It is a medical reason which we cannot reveal to you to protect this person's privacy," the older officer replied. He seemed to be the leader of the team and was doing all the answering and commanding.

Neen turned her gaze on Amanda.

"Amanda?" Neen said, her face now looking thoroughly confused.

Amanda did not answer. She looked down at her shoes, unable to meet Neen's eyes.

Suddenly, Neen remembered the medication that Amanda had been ranting about at the pharmacy, the medication that she needed to take today but was unable to because the drug laboratory had not delivered them to the pharmacy yet. It was an anti psychotic medication.

Neen stepped aside and watched helplessly as the police officers led Amanda out of the house and into their car, making sure to place a hand over Amanda's head to protect her from accidentally bumping it against the roof of the car.

Neen couldn't help feeling a mixture of emotions as she saw the police car drive away with Amanda in it.

The Return of Amanda (sequel to For the Last Time)Where stories live. Discover now