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The girl sits in the library, filled with books of fairytales, history, and folklore. She flips through each page, occasionally mentally noting important Grisha notes.

She looks to the side, where the Istorri Sankt'ya sits, the gold embroidered lettering shining above as the sunlight glistens through— the book The Apparat has gifted her.

Learning everything about Ravka's history and Grisha power was intriguing and such but lots of work. She has been constantly racking her brain trying to learning everything she could and she could use a break.

She sighs and shuts the book in front of her and pushes it off to the side, bringing the red-leathered book in front. The girl feared opening the book. It wasn't due to the stories of saints and what she might read will be disturbing. But it was the fact the Apparat gave it to her.

He was strange— creepy. The girl didn't know if this was some type of scheme or he was trying to make her go insane like him. It was a children's book after all— A storybook filled with campfire tales. Though, that didn't stop her finger from turning over the cover and reading the first page.

The Apparat took the initiative to gift the book to her and wrote, 'To Sankta Alina' on the beginning page.

Reading the words sent shudders down her spine. The Apparat acknowledging her as a saint just made her more suspicious of his case and gave her little comfort when knowing that other people are honoring as sankta. This break of hers is starting freaky thus, she flips another page.

It has been hours since she sat, indulged in the stories of Old Ravka. She has seen detailed illustrations of the saints, some fascinating, some graphic. The stories that match each detailed sketch were just as interesting.

As she reads the last page and shuts the book, she was surprised to be met with darkness and little silhouettes grazing in from the moon. Has she been sitting there all that time? She was shocked that she let time slip away like that. Though, she did not regret it.

She puts away the books that she took off the shelves and gathers her stuff up. As she stood, Istorri Sankt'ya in clutch, a piece of the book fell out and onto the ground.

"Curses," she sighs and scurried to pick it up. When she went down to pick it up, there was a picture— a drawing of a young woman. She had hair dark as night with amber eyes paired with moonshine skin. Above, it was titled, 'Sankta Kolaris, The story of the first Sun summoner.'

'The first Sun summoner? I thought I was the first?'

Enraged with confusion, she sat down once again and looked through the pages.

Kolaris Morozova, the daughter of Baghra Morozova and Granddaughter of Ilya Morozova, was known to be the first Sun summoner in the history of Ravka. She was equal to her twin brother, Aleksander Morozova, who was a Shadow summoner. When there's dark, there's light.

The darkling had a sister?

She continued to read on.

Kolaris has been known to possess every power of every Grisha order, which titles her as The Grisha woman. She can manipulate every element of land, mend and create any piece of clothing, jewelry, and equipment, and can control and heal any organ of the body and alter your appearance.

Great. If I was supposed to find her, she wouldn't look like herself in this picture.

She turns the page over and reads on.

Kolaris Morozova was kind-hearted and high-spirited, making her well-liked all around. She healed sick children and women, made the ugliest of people look ravishing, fixed old farmhands equipment, and more of the such.

When Grisha's power was known to be on the rise, Kolaris trained each individual that possessed powers of any order. Shown in picture 1.

A drawing was mapped out of The Darkling's so-to-say sister teaching young ones to create a gust of wind or summon a wave from the small pool. As if her eyes weren't as bright, they got even brighter when she worked with the little Grisha. The girl grimaced at the sight and continues onto the next paragraph.

Because of Kolaris, The practice of the small science is one of the highest and most technical. It was a revolution— a start of a new era. She was honored as Ravka's mentor and granted the title of a Saint.

So that's where the Sankta comes from.

One day, Sankta Kolaris had disappeared without a trace. There was no sign of light or a letter. It was about a month the armies went searching but nothing could be dotted. After another month of searching, They made her disappearance announced and Ravka went into a grieving state of mind.

An illustration was shown of citizens coming to the palace grounds, paying their respects to the Grisha women. Some wept, some sat on their knees and prayed to her, children set flowers on the steps of the little palace, others standing afar with their hands bound together and head down as candles were lit. such a tragic scene.

It has been rumored that she had been spotted along the shores of the True sea, heading towards Ketterdam or Novyi Zem, but nothing has been proven.

May Sankta Kolaris spirit live on.

        The girl sets down the clumps of paper and processes everything. The darkling had a sister? There was a Sun summoner before me?

The girl felt like she could not breathe. So many questions rushed as the thought of everything that she had been told about was a seething lie. Not even Baghra told her about this. She wondered if Nikolai knew as well.

Everyone lied to her about everything.

Except one.


She needed him. She knew that if she needed validation or comfort, he would give it to her along with the truth. She would only trust his word and his word only. She needed to see him, right now. Then, escape Ravka once again.

For some odd reason, she felt as if the Grisha Woman was still alive. The woman was just hiding out and it was somewhere close.

The girl needed answers. she needed to know things about her power. Even if she possessed all of the amplifiers that gave her strength, she needed the knowledge. She was back in Os Alta, forced to rule by Nikolai Lantsov and used for power by The Darkling. Two things she hated committed by the two people she despised the most and she refused to be used as leverage.

She had to leave.

She had to find her.

But she could not do this alone.

Who do you think she is going to? And how will she find Kolaris?

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