14 2 0

In my mind, the palace grounds had an aura of bright-beaming colors and luscious hues of green, blue, and yellow. Far different from the orphanage, It was like a painting coming to life and I had the chance to relish in its colors. These scrumptious, vibrant colors. As I walk through the familiar path down to the riverbank, Nothing could be seen except black and white.

"It is bad to pout." Mal said. I forgot that he had taken this walk with me. As a guard— As a friend. "Ragged thoughts are fumbling with my thought process." I fiddle with my fingers while I let my teeth nibble on my lip. "I think it's nerves."

       He chuckles, "Maybe so. Why are you nervous?"

        I shrug— It was a variety of reasons. "No clue. Maybe about the mission?"

       "What mission?" I was startled as I am face to face with the prince of Ravka.

"Nikolai, hello." I announced our presence. I spare a look towards mal for comfort and saw him bow to Nikolai. Not close, alright.

      "Greetings. Now, what mission? It sounds important." I suck in a breath. Come on, tell him. I hype myself up but it didn't work. But the words came and my fear left eventually.

      "I need to make an escape, tonight." He takes turns looking between me and Mal. "By I, does that mean him as well?" I nod my head. "Well, what is the reason? What is your why?"

      It was an odd question but I answered, "Uhh, well do you know about another Sun Summoner?"

      He pondered on the thought, "As far as I know, you are the only one."

      I sigh and shake my head. Remembering that I had brought the story pages with me, I took it out and gave them to Nikolai. He takes the stack out of curiosity and gave a look at the title. His brow creased in interest and proceeded to read.

      They stand awkwardly and patiently until the privateer slipped out a big huff. "That is a lot to take in." He said and runs his fingers through his hair.

      "The darkling has a sister? A twin sister?" He exclaims.

      I scowl, "Yes. Why don't you say it a bit louder? I don't think the darkling's nichevo'ya heard that."

      He laughs but excuses himself, "My fault. But this, this is news."

      I quirk a brow, "You sure? So you are telling me you never knew about her? When you were absent from your royal throne for seven years, chasing and sailing the tides with your grisha crew?"

      "Not every privateer can find their treasures and break their mysteries." He simply stated.

      "So, what do you need from me?" I gave Mal a turn to speak, hoping he would catch my drift. "We need to find her and we need your ship to do it."

      "Find who?" He questioned. "Find Kolaris? It says right here, she disappeared. Which most likely brings us to the conclusion she died."

      "That's what I said," he exasperated then gestures to me, "But she believes differently. Could do us this favor?"

      The privateer took time to ponder on this. His fingers tapped on his jaw while his eyes looked up at me every so often. "Okay you have my permission."

      I grinned at him while Mal gave a small smirk, "On one condition. Two conditions actually."

      He wriggles two fingers up. "What are your terms?"

      "One," he holds up one finger, "You need to take a crew with you. I want at least Tolya and Tamar with you on that ship." I thought that this would be the last time I will see them. I guess I was wrong.

      "And two," he held up two fingers, "You need to attend Vasily's dinner party with me. As my date." My eyed widen at the proclamation. Mal was just as shocked.

      "As your date?" He nods. "That is what I said." The grin on his face made me tighten my jaw and wanted to crack his.

      "Relax. I just don't want to suffer alone at the dinner table. Vasily is a golden child and my parents adore him. They will shower him with love and compliments when he is nothing but a nitwit with no brain."

      "Are you jealous of your brother?" Mal inquires.

      Nikolai scoffs lightheartedly, "Please, how could you think of such a thing? I am structured while he is playful— I am far better looking than him and know how to plan and give orders."

     We let out a giggle and give our heads a shake. "So we have a deal?" He asks.

     I stick my hand out, "we have a deal." He smiles at my gesture and accepts my hand. "I shall see you at eight o'clock."


I wasn't too sure how far along I was but as long I followed the footsteps, I wouldn't worry. But I started to worry when I bumped into someone's broad back— and I was certain it was not Inej. I took a step back and I could feel the anger off of his body.

"You need to watch where you are going." He bitterly spat. "You have tested my anger once. Don't do it again." He turns again and moves quickly.

I was tired of him and his foolish image of himself. But I brought this sour mood of his upon myself.

"You have found yourself in a bind." Jesper said as he leans over and tips his hat a bit.

"I know," I grumbled. "I thought I would be helpful but instead, I messed up."

He chuckles, "That you did, I will admit. But don't take it too hard." I side-eye him and rolled my eyes. "He is pretty fired up."

"That's because you went out of the order of things. Kaz does not like that." Inej says.

"I found out now." I frown. Why did I had to do that? I made matters worse. "Just keep clear for the moment and work towards accomplishing this mission." Inej suggested then patted my shoulder before walking ahead next to Kaz.

I sighed. I remember being like that before-Being at someone's side. I couldn't help but-

Don't make yourself vulnerable right now.

Right. I am on a mission. I messed up once, I cannot do it again.


omg hi!! i haven't fully remembered how this goes but i will publish this as is because this chapter has potential!

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