Chapter 4

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I got on my way to the tavern hoping Kaeya won't be too angry at me.
Opening the door I already hear glasses getting clapped against the wooden desks and drunk men shouting at eachother.
Actually, this place is disgusting me. So many people that don't know a single thing about life.
„Is Kaeya still here?"
That's what I am asking Diluc who stands like always unmotivated behind the bar.
„Yeah he is upstairs at desk 3. What do you want to drink?"
„Just a basic wine thank you."
I am okay with Diluc we don't have a lot to do with eachother since he doesn't like the knights.
I made my way up the stairs looking for Kaeya.
There he sits.
He is looking pretty different today.
He is wearing his long hair in a messy bun, a loose white blouse that has a few buttons left open that exposes his muscular upper body.
His pants are black and pretty loose around the legs.
And I am here in a casual white shirt and pants.

He isn't completely drunk surprisingly.
I can recognize he drank a lot already but it's a different kind of drunk today.
As he saw me he gave me a soft smirk and checked me.
His eyes lightened up.
Without any words I just sat down infront of him
„I'm so sorry for being late I completely forgot about our date."
Did I just say Date?
Okay that was very embarrassing, but I don't even think he can remember it till tomorrow.
„Oh it doesn't matter Albedo. You are looking good for me tonight"
This man is driving me crazy, he says this in such a calm voice.
I can feel everything around me slowly fading only focusing on Kaeya.
„Well I didn't really change I am just wearing what I wore all day."
I was trying to not show my nervousness infront of him but I sadly failed.
„Hmm, what you are wearing all day looks fabulous on you tho"
He answers in a sarcastic voice looking at me with a small smile.

Diluc came with my drink and I took a small sip from it.
Looking up from my glass again I catch Kaeya staring exactly at me.
He's slowly leaning over the desk and he strokes a Strand out of my face
„Don't mind me Albedo, just enjoy your drink", he whispers this in my ear. In public?

I could feel the tension building up between us and my head is heating up.
I actually didn't think I could feel like a real human being but he..
Is different than the others.
He knows how to talk to me.

We finished our drinks and after that we quickly decided to go to the big tree in windrise. I don't know How we got on this idea but we both find it beautiful there.
„It's nice spending time with you we should do this more often"
Kaeya breaks our silence on the way there.
„Yes I agree. I will make sure to not be late anymore",
I said jokingly.
As we reach the tree it's middle of the Night and you can see the Stars and the Full Moon glowing beautifully on the blue sky.
I feel a cold soft breeze on my skin, messing up my hair.
„Seems like You're freezing huh?"
„Yeah a little, but it's fine"
„Let me warm you up a bit.."
With these words he lays his hands on my hips and comes a bit closer.
I can feel his warm breath in my neck, it feels incredible.
„Enjoy it.."
His lips come closer to mine and they almost touch.

Wow, Perfect timing, hirlichurls.
„Too Bad, guess we have to do this another time.."
We got our swords out and started fighting them what really wasn't hard at all.

~ I am so sorry for this😭
Thanks for the votes and reads! Ily<3

Drunk on your love- KaebedoWhere stories live. Discover now