Chapter 1324

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Meanwhile, back with Jay & Erin as Jay sits in the nursery with Olivia:
Jay's POV: As I cuddled up to Olivia in bed, I smiled as I kissed her forehead while also petting Lucky's head. She was currently on the bed with us and Erin didn't care because she was too tired to complain. That's when I felt her roll over and cuddle up to me too. Putting her hand on my chest, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her. "Now, this is a dream come true." Erin smiled when I said that before nodding as she looked at Olivia who was currently really small. "Not sure if I like the idea of Lucky on our bed."

I then looked at Lucky and sighed. "Why not? She sleeps there normally." Erin then bit her lip. "Jay, Olivia is still really small. Doesn't it worry you that you have a big German Sheppard at your feet while you are holding our newborn daughter in your arms?" I then sighed and understood. "Lucky, off the bed." Lucky then moved to get up and went to jump off. "That better?" Erin nodded and agreed. "Yeah, at least when Olivia is on your chest okay? Still a little worried about her jumping on your chest if you start having a panic attack." 

I nodded and understood, smiling at her. "I promise, I am never going to have a panic attack when I have my beautiful daughter fast asleep on my chest." Unfortunately, right when I said that Olivia started to cry for food. "Or was asleep." I then laughed and looked at Erin. "Get used to it, this is going to be our life." I nodded before going to give her to Erin. "I will never complain that our daughter needs us this much when she's this small. However, can't promise in the future. Especially when we have our second child."

Erin then looked at me. "Okay, calm down buddy. I literally just gave birth to her yesterday! I haven't even slept in my bed really that much yet. However, I haven't forgotten that you promised we could have Hank over soon. He already met her but, I am positive he is going to try and come." I nodded and smiled before moving to kiss Erin's forehead. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. "Wonder who that is. Did you invite someone over?" Erin shook her head.

"We are not having guests yet. I'm sorry but, she's too small and COVID is still around." I nodded and completely understood. "I feel the same way. The one way they are getting in the house is if they have food." I then smiled at her. "I am going to go see who it is." Giving Erin a quick kiss, I then went to get up and looked at Lucky. "C'mon girl, let's go see who's at the door." Lucky then got up the bed and went to stretch since she took a nap. She then walked away with me. 

Waving at Erin, I smiled at her. "Need anything while you're down there?" Erin then went to grab her water bottle. "Can never have too much water. Can you also grab me some lunch?" I nodded and agreed. "Of course. Sandwich?" Erin agreed and smiled. "You know me so well. Now go get the door before they ring again and Lucky starts to go crazy." I then nodded and agreed before making my way downstairs to check the door before Lucky could bark again. 

Once I was at the door, I went to check who it was when I saw it was Mouse. I smiled and looked at Lucky. "Down girl, he's a friend." I then went to open the door and smiled at him, glad he was wearing a mask. "Hey man." Mouse then smiled. "For the new parents." I then went to grab the gift from him when I saw food. "Oh thank god, food!" I then went to walk into the kitchen. "Can I come in or is it too dangerous with a newborn?" I then thought about it. "One sec." I then went to yell upstairs. "Erin, it's Mouse! Can he come in?" Erin then yelled back. "For a little bit. Mask stays on and he has to wash his hands." I agreed and turned to look at Mouse.

"You heard the rules." He laughed and smiled when I said that. Closing the door, Mouse then slipped off his shoes as he carried the food towards our kitchen. "How she sleeping so far?" I then sighed. "Let's just say that I am glad we are getting time off to sleep during the day. Erin is exhausted." Mouse nodded as he went to set some groceries on the counter. "Just some quick meals you can make and some cold stuff. Sandwiches, wraps, salads and a hot chicken from the quick grab counter at the store. Didn't know how good my military brother could handle this."

I sighed and nodded, knowing he was probably skeptical that I could deal with this very easily. "Trust me man, I am not going to screw this up. If I do, Olivia is going to be my only child." Mouse then went to make a joke. "Well, at least with Erin." I then glared at him. "Not funny! You don't make that joke got it! You say that at the district and I am a dead man. Dude, you have to remember that my father-in-law just so happens to be our boss. So, if I am in trouble at home...I am not going to get a break from our boss. And the same goes if you say shit like that at work."

Mouse nodded and agreed when I got a text from Erin on my watch. "Language!" I then sighed and yelled. "Sorry Erin!" Mouse laughed. "What she text you?" I looked at him. "Need to watch my language. Need to remember that I can't swear at home anymore since we now have kids." Mouse nodded and smiled. "And the same goes for you when you want to visit." That's when I saw Lucky sit down by the back door. "Okay, c'mon girl. Let's send you out back." I then went to open the patio door for her and sent her outside. "How she doing with the baby in the house?" I smiled when I closed the patio door. "Really good, hasn't really bothered her much."

Mouse nodded and agreed with me (again). I then went to look in the bags which he bought when I saw that he got me my favorite energy bars from when I was in the military. "No, where did you find these!" Mouse then laughed. "They still have them on base. All the guys are so happy that you have a kid now. I told them and they all sent you stuff. Letters and things. That's what's in the envelope." I smiled when he said that and went to grab the envelope when I saw it was from one of our fallen brothers. "Shit, this must've been the last letter that David sent. He just died."

Mouse then sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I got that alert too. He's being buried next week in South Carolina. His family moved there but, he was able to stay in our unit somehow." I nodded and agreed sighing. "I want to send my regards. I would've gone to the funeral's unsafe." Mouse nodded and understood. "It's unsafe for everybody. I am just glad that we are at least doing the honorable send off if anybody from the CPD ever dies from the virus." I sighed and nodded. "The union requested that anybody who dies of COVID get a proper police funeral regardless of their disciplinary record. They were still active duty so, their family doesn't need to know about it."

Mouse smiled when I Said that. "It weird being able to get all this information about the funerals and stuff before the rest of us? I mean, you even get it before me considering I am under you in the rankings. By the way, with your new job come with more job security?" I nodded and smiled. "My job is secured for the rest of my life. Nobody is going to fire the head of Intelligence's son-in-law while Voight is still there. Everybody is scared of him. Especially me. At least, while I am at work. God, you should see him when he's with Olivia. Entirely different person. He's the biggest teddy bear when it comes to her. It's adorable." Mouse  smiled and agreed.

"By the way, I got her a little police officer Teddy bear in there too. Oh, and a military one. Make sure that she knows that they are from her uncle Mouse." I smiled when he said that. "You sure that you don't want to be called uncle Greg by her?" Mouse then shook his head. "No, it's going to be much more adorable. I mean, uncky Mouse?" I laughed and nodded. "I want her to call Hank Gramps. That would be hilarious on a daily basis. I just can't wait for her to be able to interact with him and melt his rigid exterior. I mean, he better soften up around her." 

Mouse agreed. "Oh, I am positive he will. Remember how he is with Daniel?" I nodded and agreed. "Yeah, he is pretty close to him. But then again, Justin was his only son...he's dead so he's the only biological family he has. But, Erin is pretty close to him too. Honestly, sometimes I worry that she's closer to him than she is me. But then I remember that we have a kid together and are partners." Mouse then looked at me. "You guys still going to be partners at work? I mean, you guys must have already talked about that. About splitting up for your daughter?" 

I sighed and nodded. "Listen, how about we go sit on the couch? Then we can talk about that. Would like to sit down. My back still hurts from when I slept in the recliner at the hospital." Mouse nodded and agreed as he got up. He then walked away to the living room while I grabbed us a couple beers that we could drink while we talked for the first time in a while.

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