Chapter 1400

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Jay's POV: Once Maggie came back with the menu, I saw he look at Olivia. "Mind if I look at that gorgeous little girl of yours?" I laughed and nodded. "Of course, just don't wake her up. I don't want her to disturb Will and Natalie. Then they are going to complain. He's already under enough stress and is probably going to be mad at me." That's when I heard Natalie walk in alone. "Where's Owen?" Natalie then sighed. "He's with Will but, we thought about sending him to Helen's place. Or is that too risky?" I then thought about it and didn't know. "We really don't know Natalie. I think it's just better to keep him close. We need low stress for my niece there."

Natalie nodded and agreed. "By the way, Will never said what you guys thought about the name?" I then smiled. "Here, come sit down for a bit." She agreed and went to sit on the recliner. "So, what do you think about Willow Mae?" Erin smiled and looked at Nat. "It's a gorgeous name. Honestly, if you weren't using it...I'd consider it for our second child." Natalie was shocked when Erin said that. "Wait, are you guys already trying?" Erin then stared at her. "Natalie, our daughter isn't even 72 hours old. This is my 2nd time in the hospital since then. I mean, we haven't even had time to relax since we got home from the hospital the first time."

Natalie nodded and agreed once again. "Sorry, right...of course." I smiled when Erin looked at him. "You may not be thinking about a second child but...I am. But, not for a while. I want to enjoy this bump-less body first for a while." Erin nodded and agreed as she went to grab his hand which he had on her leg. She then wrapped her arms around his and went to kiss him softly. "God, I love you." Jay then smiled when she said that before going to put his hand on her leg. "So, how is stuff at your place? Did Will finally finish the nursery before this happened?" Natalie nodded and smiled when Jay asked. "Didn't you see the FaceBook pictures I posted?"

I sighed when she asked that. "We are not really on FaceBook much. Between work, Olivia and wanting to spend time with each other...we don't check." Natalie nodded and agreed before going to grab her phone. She then went to open her picture and then showed us. "This is what we did for the nursery." She then passed us her phone and we took a look at it. Erin smiled and just looked at her. "God, that's adorable. It's the perfect color scheme and everything. How did you guys figure this out? I don't see Will being the most handy of men." Natalie laughed when Erin said that. "We are going to get Matt to do it for us. He already agreed. He's going to come to our place and do it the first weekend of June. Meanwhile, we were going to head to the cabin."

I sighed when she said that. "Unfortunately, those plans may need to be put on hold considering the situations we have all found ourselves in not." Natalie nodded and agreed. "Of course. I just hope that he will still offer to do it for us. I mean, I've seen pictures of the nursery he made for Matteo and it's gorgeous!" I laughed and agreed with her. "Yeah, both of them. Remember, their first place burned down." Natalie then shook her head. "He didn't get a chance to make a nursery at that place." Erin then turned to look at me. "Yeah, they never did unfortunately."

I then just shrugged and agreed, obviously being wrong about that. "Okay, I must be thinking about their new place. But listen, do you know where they keep the TV remote in here? I mean, you work here Natalie?" Natalie laughed and went to grab it from the side drawer. "Right here. Now listen, just take advantage of this time to relax. Let Maggie take care of Olivia." I laughed and liked that idea. Erin then turned to look at me. "Uhm, no...don't even think about it. We may be here but, we are not going to neglect our duties as parents." I nodded and agreed before kissing her cheek softly. "Of course not." 

I then looked at Natalie. "Oh, I just remembered. I know the dates we are going to the cabin for sure. We are going from May 27th to July 31st. But you guys should definitely come from July 12th to 16th. I need someone to hang out with Erin that week." Natalie seemed confused when I said that. "Why specifically that week?" I sighed and looked at her. "You remember when I got arrested after attacking the police officer during that George Floyd-like scenario?" Natalie nodded and agreed. "Well, I have to go testify in his trial that week about what I saw. Unfortunately, I am positive that they are going to attack my character."

Natalie sighed and understood. "This Black Lives Matter stuff is starting to get a bit much isn't it? I mean, the violet parts at least." Erin sighed and thought about it. "I can see it from both sides. Especially considering I was in New York City when Eric Gardner was killed." Natalie nodded and agreed when I said that. "That must be though. Having experience on this tragic subject." Erin nodded and sighed. "But listen, can we not think about that? I am not happy that we are heading back to the cabin after having to watch Jay get arrested there." 

Natalie nodded and agreed. She then walked over to Erin and gave her a hug. "Just relax okay? Everything is going to be okay. Now listen, I am going to go relax with my guys because I think Antonio is done." That's when Antonio walked up to our door. "You're free to go in Natalie. I actually want to talk to my co-workers now if you wouldn't mind?" Natalie then turned to look at him and smiled. "Oh by the way, I don't think I've seen you since Theo was born so....congrats. Oh and by the way, what does this mean for you upcoming wedding?"

Antonio sighed and shrugged. "We may have to push it back. I am not sure if it's a good idea to have a bunch of cops in one place right now."

Antonio's POV: After saying what I said to Natalie, I went to sit in a chair in Jay and Erin's room a little emotional. Jay then looked at me. "What's wrong man?" I then sighed and looked up at him. "That's the first time I had to say that since all of this started." Jay then nodded and agreed. "Hey, it's okay. It'll get better. We are going to get through this as a big CPD family." I laughed when he said that. "More like a big first responders family. Remember, my sister may be at risk."

Jay then nodded and agreed. "They at your place?" I then shook my head. "No, they are going to stay at his sister's place." Jay nodded again. "That sounds like a better plan considering Casey is not a law enforcement name." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "That's exactly what they said. I just hope that they still say safe. I am worried for them. I mean, this is not what I want for my sister right now considering how stressed she has been recently. Especially on Mother's Day weekend. Now, she is going to have to spend it with her sister-in-law."

Erin then looked at me. "Let me guess, the two of them don't have the best relationship?" I sighed and agreed with them. "That's putting it lightly."

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