Chapter 1

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I gritted my teeth and brought my hands up to my ears, trying to block out the shrieking and flashing bouncing off the walls of my head. It felt as if my skull was empty, no brain left, just the screaming ringing through my ears and mind. I couldn't open my eyes, and now I couldn't move my legs. I tried so hard to open my mouth. My lips felt like they were glued shut. I managed to pry my lips apart the slightest bit and I rushed to say something.
Before a whisper left my mouth, my lips slammed shut again and my teeth bit down on my tongue. I couldn't scream or cry. I couldn't squirm. I sat there, fighting with my own mind as my teeth stayed put, splitting my tongue.
What's going on. Let me go.
Suddenly, one of my eyes burst open. I tried to focus, but all I could manage to glimpse was a dark moving figure amongst the flashing white lights. Where the hell was I?
And then as the figure approached me, the darkness swallowed me, and so did sleep.

Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes.
The screaming had stopped, but my head throbbed. I recognized I could move again, and freely swung around my limbs- and my stomach dropped. There was nothing supporting me. I had to be falling.
With that, combined with my terror, I peeled open my eyes and whipped my head back and forth. I wasn't falling, indeed, I was... floating?
Trying to take in the area around me was a task. Everything was pitch black, with little white spots dotted here and there. Stars? Was I in space?
Surely I would be dead by now if I were in space. I didn't see any planets either. Just teeny tiny white stars- and it wasn't cold. It was getting hot, actually, I noticed how much I was sweating and lifted up my hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead. Not in space. Just dreaming. Yeah. That made the most sense.
Until the pain came back.
I screamed out in agony when the pain filled my body once more, and with horror, I watched as half of my tongue floated out beside me. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I flopped around, making noises like that one kid in A Christmas Story after sticking his tongue to a pole.
I dug my fingernails into my palms. What in God's name was happening? I just wanted to know, I wanted to not hurt, I wanted to be home-
Distorted images flashed through my brain. H-h-h-home????
Where is home?
Where am I?
I wrapped my arms around my torso. I needed to figure out how to get out of this situation or I was in for eternal pain.
I heard a noise coming from behind me, and immediately twisted my whole self around. I was greeted with-

"I must tell you this now. The Great Runas has been at war with another dimension for quite a while now, to protect all of you lowly creatures from the horrors of their society. However, the bridge between said dimension has been breached, and it has been by this spectacle laying helplessly before us at this moment. Because you have come across one of our adversaries, you are involved in the war. To get uninvolved, you must end the war. To end the war, you must make a sacrifice. This sacrifice will only be accepted as the blood of the enemy mixed with one of us."
I gulped up air and sat straight up, too afraid to open my eyes. What was I hearing? Was this all a dream? Who was talking? They didn't seem too friendly, I don't know if they would help me...
"W-W-W-WHAT??" a whiny feminine voice called. "NO! I DON'T WANNA BE A PART OF A WAR! I-I-I-I WANNA GO HOME!"
The same voice as before answered calmly. "You have no home until you defeat the enemy. Now that this... thing... roams our land, it doesn't belong to you. We have to cleanse it."
The second voice cried out. "STOP IT!"
"Oh, look. It's awake."
They seemed to have just noticed I sat up... yet I was too scared to open my eyes.
"KILL IT! If it's s-s-so bad just get wid of it..."
"We can't. We need to end this war now."
"I don't w-w-wike the war. I wanna go home. LET ME GO!"
Open your eyes, darling, don't be afraid.
I clutched what seemed to be a sheet underneath me. The voices inside my head were normally always there for me, but in this case, I didn't know who I could trust.
Before I could think about it anymore, my eyes were opened- not by choice, but two fingers had spread them wide open, and air rushed into them.
In front of me was something so abstract my tired mind couldn't grip it completely. It seemed to be a girl, with a face resembling something out of a Picasso painting, its hair cut in a sharp bob. I whimpered softly as my eyes started to dry up, and eventually twisted away from the creature.
I blinked in relief and let myself slowly start to take in my surroundings. It looked like a stereotypical doctor's office... and the only figures within it were- the girl, thing, painting? and a- a floating suit?
"What is your purpose here, human?" the- the suit? asked me.
I couldn't reply, since my tongue was somewhere floating around in space, but I didn't have a reply anyways. I didn't know where I was and I didn't know why I was here. However, I felt strangely more calm than before. I shook my head and opened my mouth, pointing to my half tongue.
"Goodness gracious, it's dismembered," the suit said. "MONIQUE!"
In rushed a tall purpleish figure in a costume that resembled a Halloween nurse outfit.
"Monique will fix your tongue, so you can explain yourself, mortal."


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