Chapter 3

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    Moony turned to ENA, who was staring, expressionless, into the void. "Are you afraid, Y/N?"
    I stood still for a hot minute, and then finally uttered out a response. "I have no idea what's going on."
    "I'll inform you," ENA spat out, still staring into the void. "I'll dumb it down for you."
    She sighed. "There are more dimensions then you think. Wherever you're from is not alone. We're currently at war with your dimension, and we have to sacrifice you or something in order for the war to end."
    "Says who?" Moony asked, grimacing.
    "Wish I knew."
    My anxiety started to tap in. Sacrifice? Was I going to die? What had I gotten myself into... I didn't plan for this.
Moony seemed to sense something was off with me. "Don't worry, Y/N, we'll figure this out."
I saw ENA roll her eyes. Jesus, did she already have something against me? It's not like I wanted to be here. I didn't want to end up as a part of this stupid war. This was probably all a dream anyways. Someone would have told me if there was an inter dimensional war going on, right?
Because, honestly, who's in charge of the troops on our side? All the countries would sure as hell not form an alliance.
This was too much thinking. I was so tired.
"Here," Moony said, pulling something out of the void with an arm that appeared from literally fucking nowhere. It was a bed. Was this inanimate object a mind reader?
She laughed. "By the way, I'm not trying to be creepy or read your mind or anything, you just look like you need some rest."
"Sureee," I said sarcastically. "Thanks for the bed though. I'm exhausted."
"Sleep well."
I flopped down on the twin side bed and closed my eyes, facing away from ENA and Moony. I looked ugly as fuck when I was sleeping.

    That night, or day, or afternoon, I had a dreamless sleep. I prayed and prayed when I woke up I would be back on Earth, in my normal bedroom, in my normal house, with my normal family and normal friends.
    I woke up to ENA whining.
    "I'm so hopeless! Why do I even try!"
    I heard Moony groan. "Stop it, I'm trying to watch TV."
    I perked my head up. TV? What?
    I turned around to see Moony staring at an old TV flashing with static. She was resting on a couch that had certainly not been there before...
    "Oh, you're awake," Moony turned around and floated over to me. "Do you want something to eat? I've got a few errands to run anyways, I can pick something up for you. Maybe we can find you a place to stay as well, later."
    I snorted. "What kind of food do you have here, anyways?"
    ENA glared at me. Moony smirked, and said, "Well, on a good day, I could probably snag you a turron, but I probably won't come across one any time soon. What kind of food do you eat?"
    "Erm... salad?"
    "Coming right up," Moony turned away. "Well, maybe not right up. But eventually. You and ENA can try to make yourself better acquainted while I'm gone."
    And with that, she had disappeared back outside of her little void. And I was alone with Picasso girl.
    "Soo," I sat up and swung my legs over the sides of the bed.
    "Don't talk to me!" ENA pouted. She then began to glitch and twist around in all ways and shapes and forms that my brain was barely wrapping around, and then finally came to a stop back at her normal self. I gripped onto the sheet of the bed...
She stared down at my tense hand, gripping onto the sheet.
    "Sorry about that," she didn't make eye contact with me. "I forgot the procedure for guests. I haven't been alone with someone other than Moony in a while."   
    Without thinking, I blurted out, "Why does your voice change? You know, from a feminine voice to a masculine voice?"
    She inhaled and finally made eye contact with me. "It depends on my mood. For example, when you see my form change, it's because of my mood."
    "Sorry, I should've thought before I spoke-"
    "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, it's fine." ENA moved her face closer to mine. "It's fine."
She looked me up and down. "Why are you holding onto your sheet so tightly? Am I, making you, uncomfortable?"
I quickly pulled my hand into my lap and shook my head. "No, sorry, I just did it subconsciously." I looked around. "When do you think Moony will be back?"
ENA shrugged. "A century, 5 minutes, who knows. Who knows, who knows, who knows."
"Um," I slumped down awkwardly. "So, what is there to do in this place?"
"What do you mean, this place? Do you mean Moony's house, or do you mean this dimension?"
"This dimension, I guess."
ENA scoffed. "Well, we could have gone to the daily auction, but I was too busy mingling with you and that Micheal guy."
"Monique." I stared at her shoes. "His name was Monique."
She grimaced, and then stuck out her tongue at me. "Not like I care. Anyways, if you wanna go do something, then I guess we could go out and I could show you around."
Go out? She worded that a bit weird..
"Hello??" ENA waved her hands in front of me obnoxiously. "Are you there?"
"Oh, yeah, totally," I said, bursting back into... 'reality'? "Sure, yeah, let's, go- out."
She gave me a dirty look and started towards the door. "Well, are you coming?"
I quickly gathered myself up and followed right behind her.

A/N: short chapter, sorry sorry. i haven't been doing well lately but tonight i plan on writing some more

thank you for the few people who have read and support this fanfic <3 ily bbs

chapter 4 soon!! stay safe, make sure to eat and drink water :)

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