Chapter 4

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ENA and I stood outside the door of Moony's... house?
"How hungry are you?" ENA asked me as we started down the staircase, keeping her eyes at her feet.
That question brought to my attention how absolutely starved I was. "Really, really hungry."
    ENA didn't say anything after that, but once we reached the bottom of the staircase, she opened a door I hadn't seen before. Beyond the door was... a flower field?
    That was the most normal thing I had seen today. Or yesterday? Or.. tomorrow?
    "I'm not sure when Moony will arrive back, so we might as well get something to eat." She frowned. "After all, Moony would probably be upset with me if I let you starve."
    Looking around, I didn't see anything to eat, so I wasn't really sure what ENA's plan was at this point. There was literally nothing in sight. I glanced over at her, and she was kneeling down over a flower.
    I watched her pluck the delicate pink flower from the ground, and then a staircase into the underground revealed itself. ENA started down the staircase, and I followed suit. Hey, I was promised food.
    She had disappeared behind the corner by the time I reached the bottom. I peeked over the side and audibly gasped.
    ENA stood there, facing something that was definitely a sight to see... she was glitching out completely turning all different colors and shapes and sizes. In front of her were... reptilian creatures in stripper outfits? POLE DANCING?
    I quickly grabbed ENA's arm and pulled her up the staircase. Behind me, she laughed unenthusiastically and said, "Wrong flower."
    When we got to the surface again, she looked at me, disgusted, and pulled her arm away from me. She proceeded to pluck a different pink flower, which turned out to be the correct one.
    Thank god. I was traumatized by the first flower.
    This place appeared to be some sort of tavern, and once again, it looked pretty normal (aside from the staff. the staff looked like fucking giraffes serving us.)
    We sat down at a circular high top table, near a band playing some jazz music. It was oddly comforting (for another dimension).
The next thing that happened was surprising in itself. I know, what could be more surprising than everything else that's happened today? Well, Moony was floating over to us in some sort of waiter apparel. Holding a little pen and pad.
Moony looked as surprised as I felt when she realized it was us sitting at the table. "What are you doing here??"
ENA looked her up and down. "I could ask you the same thing. Since when were you a waitress?"
Moony rolled her eyes. "I want to actually have a source of income, unlike you. You know, without me you'd probably die."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now please just get us today's special."
    Today's special?? What kind of food do they eat here? "Um, do you guys have a menu?"
    ENA shot a judgmental glance at me. "Just get us the special."
    Moony spun away from our table without another word, but I wished she had stayed. ENA made me uncomfortable.
    "Oh... oh... oh no." My gaze shifted over to ENA as she started to glitch and spin around in all different formations. I sat there in shock as she said, "I see him.. ohhhh no. We have to go."
    ENA grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the restaurant and back up the staircase. I was completely unsure of what was going on, but before we left, I made sure to grab what looked like a piece of bread from a table.
    She was practically dragging me away from the restaurant and back to where I assumed Moony's house was... and I had nothing better to do but go along with it. As we were walking, I took a bite out of the bread, and I felt relief flow through my body. It tasted normal. Finally, something that reminded me of my home dimension.
    "I saw the doctor.. the man that had you. I saw him in the restaurant," ENA said, her voice pained and changing every other second. I understood now why she dragged me out of there with so much force... i think? I mean, if you think about it, her and Moony practically kidnapped me from that place. I don't know if I would want to be there and be sacrificed anyways.

sorry for short chapter... BUT THIS STORY IS BACK BABYY

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