Chapter 2

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    Monique was a very sweet guy, and I'm glad I got to be alone with him, away from those other things. Honestly, I had just accepted I'd gone crazy at this point. I was letting a guy with no face other than purple stick needles into my mouth.
    I didn't know exactly what he was doing. I don't know the procedure for half tongues- a prosthetic tongue? A sewn on tongue?
    It was if he read my thoughts at that moment, and pulled out a strange object from a purse he set down next to him. It was... a sort of... pointy end of a tongue- except it was white. As far as I knew, my tongue was pinkish red. There was no way that thing would attach on me anyways, I can't even imagine how he'd get it to stick to me.
    After a while of him poking and prodding in my mouth, I decided to trust the process, and it served me well. He didn't even have to knock me out. Whatever he put in my mouth numbed it so well that I didn't feel a thing, and when he was done, he helped me up and put his arm around my shoulder as he led me to a mirror. I felt strangely comforted.
    Looking in the mirror, I stuck out my tongue. It looked kind of cool, I guess, except for how weird the white looked at the end. But I could move it around a lot.
    He then grabbed my arm and dragged me back over to the room I woke up in. The Picasso girl was curled up in a ball in the corner, its shoulders shaking and weeps echoing through the room. Still having a hissy fit.
    "Well done, Monique," the suit said, and Monique disappeared into thin air. Then facing me, it said, "allow me to formally introduce myself. I here am a consultant for The Great Runas, but you don't know what that is, do you?"
    I shook my head no.
    "Honestly, I don't know what it is either. Too many riddles and puzzles for a simple fellow like myself to understand. Enough of that, pardon me- if you have to refer to me, call me The Consultant. I'll be monitoring you for as long as you stay here." the suit stiffened. "I'm hoping that won't be long."
    I shuffled my feet, feeling incredibly confused and out of place. So much information was trying to navigate its way throughout my head at the moment.   
    "Now," The Consultant continued, "we can have this done with nice and easy. Just give me your arm, let me retrieve the necessary sacrifice, and you may exit our realm as easily as you entered it. Sound good?"
    That did sound good. Very, very, very good. I wanted to get out of this... place- as soon as possible. I nodded enthusiastically and began to reach out my arm, but before his gloved hand could reach it, something bursted through the ceiling.
    "EEEENA!" A circular object flew through the air and landed in the center of the room. "You were late for dinner again, so I decided to pick you up on my own. You seriously can't find your way around, can you? How did you end up in a hospital?"
    From the back, the object looked like a sphere, with a crescent like shape in a lighter grey than the rest of the sphere. I would be concerned on how it was talking, but then again, a suit was just going to sacrifice me to some unknown lord a second ago, so I shouldn't be very worried.
    "GET OUT OF HERE, YOU SCOUNDREL!" The suit sped over to the sphere. "This is a private affair. Make do somewhere else."
    The sphere whipped around, and revealed the front side of it. It appeared to be a moon with a face on it.
    "My dinner is very important to me, good sir. I'm just passing through to collect my companion," the moon thing remarked. "I'll be on my way now."
    The moon glimpsed at me and frowned.
    "No. Where ENA is, this pathetic worm is."
    "Perfect then," the moon added, and came towards me in a rush, scooping me up with a leg that somehow appeared out of it. "I'll take em both."
    And with that, I was swept out of the hole that the moon created, and off into some sort of void.

    "Moony, you've made a very childish mistake," the Picasso thing said to the moon thing as soon as we dropped right below a staircase. However, the voice wasn't feminine anymore, it had turned to a more monotone/masculine voice.
    "Childish? Didn't you see yourself two seconds ago, crying like a little baby?" The moon scoffed as it started up the staircase. "Don't tell me what's childish and what's not."
At the top of the staircase floated an... eye? Some sort of prism?? This whole place, dream, whatever it was- was giving me a headache. The 2D and 3D shapes mixed together twisted my brain around in all sorts of unpleasant ways, but I went with it.
I followed the two... things- up the staircase. When we reached the top, I watched as they disappeared into the eye.
"What the hell," I whispered to myself. I turned around and looked back down the staircase. I could leave now, try to find a way out of this dream land... maybe if I killed myself, I would wake up back home. Honestly, it was worth a shot.
I leaned outwards a little bit, over the staircase (which had no rail), and contemplated jumping. I mean, I don't know what it would lead to. I might just start floating again or hit my head really hard.
Before I could consider anything else, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the eye.
The inside was much different than expected- it was a low ceiling, with a floor and roof but a void of stars as the wall. I gaped at the room.
"We've never really had a proper introduction, have we?" The moon thing looked straight at me. "I'm Moony, and this is ENA."
Moony motioned to the Picasso girl standing awkwardly beside her.
"What's your name?" she asked me.
I gulped. "(Y/N)."


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