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One day,another day,and forever days
Boyfriend wakes you up for school. "Hey Boyfriend,thanks for taking care of me." You say. "You're welcome, I just wanted to know if you were okay." You start to rethink about last night, but Boyfriend breaks your train of thought. "Y/N, if you don't get up we'll be late" Boyfriend said telling you to get up. "Sorry Boyfriend, I was busy thinking." You say back. You two get ready and you eat breakfast together. Your mom was happy to see your best friend again. Boyfriend leaves as his mom pulls up to drive him to school as you wait. You think how Pico will annoy you today. You never really minded how Pico did it, but he does get annoying sometimes.

The bus comes and you get on and see Pico. Pico asked you about the study date. You tell him it went well. "Pico?" You start to say as you look at him. "Yes, what do you need?" he asks. "Did you two kiss?" Pico jokingly said. You blush a little saying no, you and Boyfriend did not kiss. "Y/N, when will you tell him?" Pico said. "The reason is because he doesn't like me back." "I think he said Yes to the study date for the reason that he didn't have time for his Girlfriend." You say.

You and Pico arrive at school and Boyfriend and Girlfriend are there again waiting for you. You and him get off the bus as usual. You all go to class, as you wait there in class you start to wonder, Boyfriend may not like me but I can always try to build up affection. Lunch comes around, Girlfriend gives you the news that this is the last week of school, and that her demon parents were being nice this time by giving Boyfriend, Pico, you, and her a summer camp thingy for some activities. Now for some info, she said that this isn't a real summer camp, it's a place where people do activities over the summer.

You ask about it and Girlfriend says the boys and girls have a different place to sleep. You talk more with them, until lunch ends. You know you have only two days left of school but it felt like 5 years. Pico, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, and you did activities in class. Despite you all being seniors and it being your last days, you had all sorts of fun things to do with your friends. "Y/N, you are coming right?" You heard Girlfriend say, shocking you a bit. "Yes, I am, just don't sneak up on me again please?" You respond. "I'm sorry,I didn't know you weren't paying attention to our conversation." Girlfriend replied back.

Finally one more day.

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