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Night before a summer camp

The last day of school wasn't even school, it was a waste of fucking time. Well at least Boyfriend was in all your classes somehow. It was quite ironic because you had no classes with him last year. In the second half of school you were with Pico and Girlfriend. Boyfriend would talk to you during these periods, school ended at the same time as always and you all got out to pack your things for the trip. You think of calling Pico to tell him that maybe he shouldn't bring his guns to that place, but then you remember overhearing a conversation with Girlfriend and Pico discussing the exact thing you're thinking. So you hope Pico won't cause a ruckus. You get done packing and you have your mom drive to Girlfriend's house.

Your mom drops you off there and tells you to be good. You walk up to the house and Girlfriend let's you inside. You take out your headphones and stop your metal. (If you like other music, replace it). You then start to talk with her. "So about this camp?" You start to ask. "Do you know where it is?". "It's right here, my parents will drive us all there." Girlfriend starts to say. "Quite a long drive I see." You say as your eyes dart all over the map. "Yep, 2 hours." She says back. You look at the clock in their house. "Staying for one night here at the house?" You ask another question. "Yea, my parents have an individual bed for every one of us, you all get to sleep in my room." You both hear a knock on the door. Girlfriend opens it, seeing it's Pico. "Where the hell is Boyfriend?" you ask. "Why?" Pico starts to tease you. "Is it because-" you put your hand over Pico's mouth to shut him up as you blush. "You can't just say stuff like that,she doesn't know either." You say. "Okay, you got it." He growls at you a bit.

After some time, Boyfriend finally comes and Girlfriend hugs him. "You know we've been waiting for-fucking-ever." Pico says half complaining. "Anyways, guys we need to set up for the night so that tomorrow we can go!" Girlfriend says. Girlfriend explains how the girls and boys have different cabins and that every room has two beds. "Is there a place to put my guns?" Pico asked as he was cleaning one of the 30 other guns he brought along.Girlfriend looked at him with disappointment. "Pico, I thought I told you not to bring your guns, you'll make all hell break loose!". You knew now they were in an argument. "Well then, what the fuck will I shot with!?" Pico shouted back. "Have you ever heard of a bow and arrow, they do the same fucking thing!" Girlfriend argued. "A bow and arrow are you shitting my balls?" Pico always had an unfiltered mouth and loved to say crude as possible stuff. "If bows and arrows had mouths, I'd tell them to choke on my balls while sucking my cock!" That's not the worst thing Pico said in his life, in fact that's quite mild. "Pico, do not bring your guns! I'm dead serious!" Girlfriend was now furious. "You know your dad hired me to kill tiny dick Boyfriend!" Pico laughed. Boyfriend then got up. "Pico! We dated! You know it's not small!" Boyfriend shouted while shaking Pico. You scouted over to Girlfriend. "Jeez, why are men so offended when someone says their meat is tiny?" You ask Girlfriend. "I don't know." She sighed. "Boyfriend is right though, he's dick is bigger." she says. "Uh and how do you know that?" You say. "Boyfriend told me." she said.
Suddenly for the fighting you hear, "Enough, I don't care about the fact we dated, ex's are supposed to hate each other! I'm getting that money right now!" Both you and Girlfriend gasp at Pico holding Boyfriend down by the neck. He cocked his gun then.

"You're fired!" You hear someone shout, it sounded like Daddy dearest. "What in the actual cocksucking monkey fuck did you fired me for?" Pico asked, being very pissed off. "First off, I told you to kill him at that moment, if I knew you two were ex's I would've tried to motivate you more to kill him." Daddy dearest face palmed."Secondly, you helped Boyfriend with Tankman." He continued. Pico was really angry, but stopped attacking Boyfriend realizing he was so upset about his guns, he almost killed someone he really loved and cared about. "I'm sorry, Boyfriend." He apologized. Boyfriend coughing up a bit more blood, said he forgave him. Pico started to cry, this is possibly the first time you saw him cry. "I don't remember seeing you cry since our break up." Boyfriend said. Pico knows he's not the best doctor so he asks you to do it. You remember the night where you were sick and Boyfriend took care of you. So you accept it. You wrap bandages around the places Boyfriend was bleeding or hurt. You wiped the blood off his mouth and made sure to bleach the spots on his shirt and pants. You tried to check his boxers for blood but you were too embarrassed, it seemed wrong. Yes, you liked him but should you really? No ones gonna see them anyways. "Y/N?" Boyfriend called for you. "Yes?" You look at him. "I guess it's my turn to be treated." He chuckled back. "Yea, I guess, haha." You tell each other goodnight and go to bed.

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