Heterosexual: Clear as Black and White

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Heterosexual: "people that are sexually or romantically attracted to people of the opposite sex. Heterosexual men are sexually or romantically attracted to women, and heterosexual women are sexually or romantically attracted to men."

Growing up my parents strictly raised me to ONLY be friends with girls and to ONLY be attracted to boys. I was a female and according to their rules I must have a male for a romantic partner. As I got older and my desires for a partner grew, the strict rules my parents gave me started to blur and swap.
While I did have female friends, I found myself getting more male friends as I entered middle school. We had the same interests and hobbies so of course we would easily get along. The strict rule of only being friends with girls grayed to being friends with both.
I hid my male friends from my parents in fear that they would assume one of them was my significant other. If I was just talking to one of them, my parents would integrate me like I was a mastermind criminal. It was black and white to them that I couldn't have any male friends unless they were much more than that to me.
With one strict rule blurred to gray, I started to find myself blurring the most strict rule of all; that girls must be attracted to boys. When puberty hit in my middle school, most of the girls grew curver and most of the boys grew more muscular. Hormones were high and it was hard for me to ignore the beauty of both of the sexes. I tried to block out my true desires and beat myself up for looking at girls in such a way but no matter how hard I tried to not see them as more than just a friend, I failed miserably. The most strict, straight to the point rules my parents had given me, I had ruined completely. I was furious with myself for not being like everyone else that only liked the opposite sex. The hormone enriched walls of middle school teased me at the thought of this rule being blurred to a gray. But it couldn't possibly be, what could I ever be if I stopped following this rule?
Heterosexual was supposed to be easy to follow. The rules were as clear as black and white but to me it felt like the black and white of prison bars. I would stand in front of the bars, watching the perfect heterosexuals on the other side following the rules easily. I tried hard to be prove myself as one of them so they would let me on their sides of the bars but they would always find that I secretly wasn't one of them. If I stared at girls too long, they would put me in a bright orange and pink uniform before throwing me back behind the bars.
They called me an unruly lesbian trying to sneak in so I could get closer to the hetero females. But I wasn't, my rules were blurred to gray and at that moment I realized I wasn't meant to be a heterosexual. That I should be free from their prison for once and all. I didn't know what else I could possibly besides a lesbian or heterosexual but I knew neither was the complete truth for me.
So I backed away from the bars and took off my bright orange uniform. I wouldn't be a prisoner anymore to the norms of society. I went out into the big world to find who I truly was because life clearly wasn't just black and white.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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