Chapter One

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Author's note:  I forgot to add a short note before chapter one. But to those who read this, I'll warn you that a part of this short story is dark and shows a bit of how gruesome it is back in feudal era. If you don't want those type of stories, don't continue.

Read at your own risk.


"Why do I have to do this again, Father?"

Hinata Shoyo, son of one of the most powerful Daimyos of their time, looked indifferently to his father, who just scratched his nape.

"I apologize, my son. But I can't refuse our Emperor. He asked me to attend and made a point that I should bring you too."

"And why is that. It's not as if I'm close to the emperor or anything. He should've not wasted his time asking for my presence. Better yet, why don't he just find a bride and make her the Empress instead of asking me to be his entertainment."

Shoyo's father shook his head. He knew perfectly that even though his son whines like a child, scoff all day to show his objection, Shoyo will still be attending tonight's dinner with the Emperor.

And Shoyo hates the idea of him attending for his families image. But what can he do? He can't really do anything that can harm his family in anyway.

So what's worse that could happen aside from him enduring his Highness' presence, right?


Arriving at the Emperor's estate, being the most beautiful (yes, as most people find Shoyo's appearance, feminine) noble to ever set foot at the place, Shoyo earned everyone's attention.

"Well, Well! If it isn't the infamous, Hinata Shoyo! How blessed I am to ever meet you tonight!"

"Stop it, Toru. I'm not in the mood so if you don't want to be slapped right here and now, just don't speak anything that'll piss me off"

"Ow, Why is that, hmm? Oh I know! Cause you're going to see the emperor right? Don't worry, you're not alone. I myself don't want to see him too."

"Really? Why are you here then? Oh! Is it that if you didn't attend, everyone will think that 'Oikawa Toru is just bitter, his rival get to be the Emperor'? Or is it that you just want to see a certain nobleman, named Iwaizumi Hajime?"

"Curse you, Shoyo! If anyone heard you, you know what will happen to either me, or Hajime's families!"

"Yes, of course. But trust me, no one will know about your affair with that grumpy lord." Shoyo rolled his eyes as he emphasize the word 'no one'. "It's not as if you two are not obvious about it."

"Yeah. But I guess the illusion of us being Childhood friends makes it easy for us to hide our relationship. Thank the heavens for it."

Shoyo and Toru continued to talk until someone interrupted them.

"Good Evening to you two, Hinata Shoyo, Oikawa Toru. I'm glad you both came"

The Emperor, Tobio smirks. It's true that no one likes the young Emperor's guts. But the truth is that, Tobio genuinely likes Shoyo to be his friend.

And Tobio idolized Toru for his sense of responsibility (especially when serious). Aura surrounding Tōru shouts "Commanding".

Toru scoffed "My evening is much more blessed now that you're here, Your Highness" Toru scoffed.

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