Day 4

192 21 4

you hugged me once.
i don't think you remember
it, you were quite drunk.

we were at this stupid party,
you seemed a little upset. you
had too much to drink. i was
looking for one of your friends
to help, or a family member
but i couldn't find them.

one guy was getting too close for
my liking. you were drunk off your
ass, unaware of what was happening
or what you were doing. you sat on
the guy's lap and began giggling about

the motherfucker didn't pull you away.
i had to forcefully get you off his lap
and took you away. he beat me up the
next day but who cares. you are safe,
that's what matters to me.

i remember taking you back to your
house. you gave me your keys and i got
you inside. i laid you down on your bed.
i only took off you shoes though.

you were clingy. you didn't want me to
leave. so i stayed until you fell asleep.
you hugged me tightly and rested your
head against my chest. you called me
warm and huggable like a teddy bear.

i still laugh remembering these words.
i hugged you back, and it was the best
five minutes of my life. you were knocked
out pretty fast after that.

it felt heavenly to have you in my arms
for just a couple of minutes. it felt right
and it made my heart combust on the

i don't think you realize the power
you have over me, jeon jeongguk and
it's terrifying to think about how one
look of you, and i would do absolutely
anything you want.

i miss your embrace jeongguk.
i hope one day i can get to have
you in my arms again.

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