Day 5

221 22 3

you may not know it
but i feel okay when
you're around.

it's like your presence
radiates reassurance
that things will be okay.

you're really quiet, I barely
heard you talk a few times
but every time, i find myself
listening you attentively, even
from afar.

i don't think i ever heard you laugh.
i want to make you laugh one day,
hearing you giggle bashfully would
definitely rival an angel's singing.

your voice is soothing. it's not too
deep, but it's also not squeaky. it's a
right center.

you seem so collected and calm on
the outside, but i know there's a whole
other storm inside.

i remember during the SATs, while
everyone was busy freaking out
and panicking, you sat there, with
your airpods in, bopping your head

everyone was talking about how calm
and cool you were, but i know you weren't.
i noticed you continuously tapping your
foot against the floor.

your hands were clasped together, and
even though it looked normal, you were
scratching your other hand with your
thumb to the point it hurt. the next
day you had a very red burning spot
on your right hand that you had to

i notice every detail jeongguk.
it's just a fact about me, not
especially concerning you.

i watch my friends' small behaviors
and pick up on them, so i don't want
you freaked out once you read these.

but seriously jeongguk, don't leave
your anxiety pent up inside of you,
it'll only destroy. please, i beg of you,
talk to someone about it.

anyone. even a stranger, just talk
about it before it gets worse.
sent 3:05am

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