Welcome to the Inkwell

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Thank you for opening the fourth edition of The Inkwell's monthly writing collaboration!

The Inkwell is a Discord community of like-minded writers looking to share the worlds crafted from their imaginations with all. We, those same writers, thank you for taking the time to enter a small collection of those worlds. Each are spawned from a single concept, resulting in a wonderful universe full of possibilities. From blood and gore to mystery and romance, this is a mere window into what we offer – not just singly, but as a whole. We hope you'll return, continuing to explore the furthest reaches of our minds.

Each month, the community chooses a prompt, and those interested are tasked to write a tale of no more than 2,500 words. This month's prompt had the collaborators considering what happens when we act without thought, without consideration for what comes next.

Nothing occurs in a vacuum. Not all choices lead to the expected outcome.

There is only one question left to ask: Are you—are any of us—ready to face the consequences?

The Inkwell presents: Facing the ConsequencesWhere stories live. Discover now