Hell of a Consequence (#4)

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Written By M. A. Freeman

Cozy. Warm. Blessed silence. At least for a little while. Sloth sighed in contentment. While the other Sins were less than pleased by their captivity and the lack of victims, he was ecstatic. He could just be.

The air above him shifted, and he cracked his eyes open curiously. Verdant greens stared back at him. How—? Ah, Envy was perched on the windowsill behind his reclined chair, which let her lean over him.

"Yes?" Oh, that hoarse voice would not do at all. He could do better. "Can I help you?"

Those eyes just stared a moment more before she glanced up. Sloth followed her gaze to their keeper, seated on the couch and playing on his phone. Nothing unusual there. Kevin Hazel was nothing if not a great lump of clay that made no demands on any of them.

Sloth frowned. Wait, something was different – there was a hint of need. Of ambition. Surely not; Sloth really didn't want to lose this cushy setup. There was a tang of something else, something that didn't activate his need to consume. Perhaps Kevin was immune.

"You see it too? Feel it?" Envy's eyes narrowed. "It's not only emanating from Kevin; that's nascent. But something's coming. It's like the heaviness in the air before a storm."

Yes, there was something. Sloth's hands clenched under the fuzzy blanket wrapped around him. It was a threat to his peace and quiet, but nothing had changed yet. Envy's interest was in the here and now.

"Why do you care? Surely Kevin isn't of interest to you?" Cerulean eyes flared, glowing neon, and his voice dropped to a shocked whisper. "A mate? You and Kevin?"

Envy's eyes glowed just as hotly. The verdant turned acidic. "That is inconsequential at the moment. And none of your business, Sloth."

None of his business?! Was she insane? It was all of their business! They were the Seven Deadly Sins incarnate. And Kevin, well, Kevin was their escape hatch from Hell. Waiting for him in that stupid stasis crystal was an eternity in itself. Now this? It would destroy his carefully cultivated peace.

"What do you want? What machinations are percolating in that devious mind of yours?" Sloth stiffened when Envy's slim fingers wrapped around his throat, sharp nails resting lightly on his carotid artery.

"Phil, nothing else matters. Nothing except Kevin. Do you understand? Our situation is—fluid. Precarious even. I'm going to need you to do what you do best and feed, should anyone attempt to disrupt the current state of affairs."

Envy was truly terrifying. Plus, Sloth didn't really care one way or another about her mating with Kevin. He hated how she called him Phil. His name was Phillip. Those sharp talons of her were still pricking the skin of his throat, right over his pulse point. How in Heaven did she even know what his human name was, anyway?

"Sure. Whatever you want." Sloth breathed a sigh of relief when those claws retracted. "What exactly do you want?"

Envy rose to her feet and adjusted the hood of her robe. "The magic here is disturbed. Find what's doing it, and take care of it."

Ugh, he actually had to get up. He was so comfortable. The leather recliner was broken in, well worn, but still providing quite a bit of support. Not to mention the leather was supple and felt like butter against his skin. However, Envy was right. They were tied to Kevin; tied by bond and deed through his bloodline. It would be unfortunate if Kevin was harmed, or, Hell-forbid, died before he could complete the bargain struck by his grandfather. Magic was fickle and, when influenced by witches, downright hazardous.

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