C H A P T E R | T W O

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Emery was woken up at 5:00am sharp, the loud dinging from a bell somewhere inside the bells jolted her up in the bed with a fright. It went off every five minutes, and each time jt started ringing her heart would face and she would cover her ears to dull to sound.

After the 3rd time of it ringing she slid out of bed, her bare feet touching the cold floor and sending chills up her spine. Rising up onto her top toes she walked shakily over to the dresser, raising her hands up over her head and let out a loud yawn that shook her body.

The night before she has set out her uniform on the top of the dresser as well as the books she thought she might need, speaking of which her class list should be in the mailbox by now. Emery slipped off her knickers and over sized shirt, replacing them with a new pair of undergarments and a shirt tucked into a short skirt, covering an inch below her behind.

Slipping on some socks she kept in the drawer, she went with the pumps and teetered dangerously with no knowledge of how to walk in them.

Learning the tie was much different, so different that she spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out how to tie it, it was so bad that she got to the point of just forgoing wearing the stupid piece of fabric.

Opening the door she stumbled nervously in the heels, her ankle bending painfully as she collapsed onto the floor awkwardly. Emery rubbed the hurt ankle and decided to just crawl over to the box, using the wall when she arrived to stable herself enough to grab the piece of paper.

It was in an envelope with a wax seal enclosing it.

Emery slid her nail under the wax and flipped open the flap, pulling out the paper and running her finger over each class, balancing herself on the wall as she walked back to her room.

Grabbing a bag that was given to her later on the previous evening and placed the books she would need into it carefully, the paper in between two books to keep it from crumpling. She took off the heels, holding the bag over her shoulder and her heels in one hand as she exited the bedroom, pulling the door shut behind her and leaving her discarded clothing under the bed.

Facing the main room again she halted in shock, her shoes dropping out of her hand and bouncing off of the ground, there was a plate of food on the table, surrounded by 5 other blank plates. It seemed almost sad that there were five clean plates with no food and a single plate with limited food on it.

When she read the website it said that the girls all ate three meals together, but maybe because she was a scholarship student she wasn't invited to that. Emery frowned at it, picking up her shoes and walked over to the table, picking up a fork and shoving the eggs around on the plate to seem eaten.

She didn't eat a single bite and just stacked the plates together and left the room, leaving her shoes dangling in one hand.

Nobody was in the halls, and no noise was coming out of anyone's rooms, or she couldn't hear if people where in them.

Following the path that the Headmistress showed her yesterday, she passed hallway after hallway of silence, it was like the day before when the top floor was deserted. When she finally reached the end hallway she came to the vast amount of stairs and walked down them, dropping her back down to her hand, and rotating her sore arm. The books where large and carrying 5 around did nothing to support her shoulder.

Emery had no clue even where the cafeteria would be, not that she wanted to go but there were only two main floors, plus the other different floors full of classrooms.

Her sick covered feet where mute against the floor, making her like a ghost roaming the halls to find Room 136. The Headmistress never gave her a map to help her find the room, and by the numbers on top of each door she wouldn't be finding the room for a while.

12, 14, 16, 18

She was long ways away from her classroom.

Emery gave up with looking around the bottom floor and walked back up the stairs, going towards the opposite staircase then her dorms and entered the hallway, her eyebrows shooting up to her hairline. These rooms where different from her own, confusing her.

This must be the side with the rich-rich type of people because all this hallways seemed like royalty lived there. The carpet was the same as her side by each of the single hallways had little mini designs that made it looked so much prettier.

It ended the same way that the opposite dorms did, and Emery retraced her steps confused about where to go.

She walked to the main hall and right up to the door, a tiny key was there, it told what class was on what floor.

Room 136 was in one of the towers, wracking her mind she tried to think about how to get to them, trying to remember seeing any other staircases. Her eyes caught onto a larger map, shower a direct line to the staircase that lead to her classroom.

To get to the class, Emery would have to leave out the front door and walk down the side walk until she came across stairs that spiralled until it came to a door.

When Emery tried to open the main doors they didn't budge, barely even shook and she couldn't even look outside because barely any doors in this school had windows.

Where ever she was suppose to do to get to class did nothing click in her mind and sick of standing around like an idiot she sat against a pillar, leaned her back against the pole and placed her bag right next to her body. Her shoes were laid disarrayed beside her knees, one standing up right the other on it's side.

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