A Taste Of Your Own Medicine

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A/N: For both 4 and 5!! I love you!! TW / blood, aggression, violence, domestic abuse.

"Hugo, Hugo

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"Hugo, Hugo. Whatever are we going to do with you?"

Watching him squirm above me makes my skin tingle with pure joy. I wonder, is there a kink to see arseholes get the shit beaten out of them? If so, I am a full-fledged freak.

His desperate little face is just inches away from mine, his eyes darting back from me, the serrated knife in my hand and the boys sitting behind me. I can practically see the tears on his waterline. Not so brave now, are you Hugo? I wonder what he's thinking, probably hoping I forgive him and let him go unharmed.

He fucking wishes. Put your hands on my girl, and you're dead meat.

Well, not my girl. She's not mine. Just someone like Francie doesn't deserve him.

That's all.

I swing the knife in clockwise motions, flicking it between my fingers and pace around his limp body hanging above me, his face just above mine. His arms are tied behind his back, tightly crossed over one another with his legs attached to his hands. His wrists are adorned with deep red abrasions and grazes with numerous blood spots and stains from all of his squirming. His head swinging back and forth from the alcohol that hasn't fully worn off yet.

"Lower him." I command to Liam looking back at him through the smoky room sliding the knife across the floor in his direction. I hear the hooks behind me clanging together and Hugo start to beg and whimper, knowing what is about to come. Liam jumps up giddily and turns the wheel slowly waiting for my approval. When Hugo's body is at my shoulder level I nod in Liam's direction. He hooks the rope around the wheel again, sliding back into his chair.

"Lou, put that fucking joint out. I can barely see shit. I want to see the light leave his eyes." I whip my head back to Hugo giving him an eager smile.

"At least let me smoke it all, bloody hell. You're always so fucking grouchy." Louis argues and the joint crackles behind me, his attempt to finish it just fogging the air up even more.

I don't answer and keep my eyes on Hugo. I give him my most insincere expression of concern, furrowing my eyebrows dramatically and jutting out my bottom lip leaning down so we are eye to eye. "You poor thing. Bet those ropes hurt your little wrists hm?" I caress his cheek with my glove clad thumb and when, in his desperate state, he relaxes into my hand my palm strikes across his face making his head jerk to the left. He groans roughly his head dropping weakly.

"Let's get started boys."


I am going to kill him.

I am going to rip every limb from his body.

Remove every finger so he can never lay another on Francie.

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