Chapter One: Let's Ditch The Party

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        Dave stood silently in the corridor, just outside John's room. His hands were clasped firmly behind is back. He is garbed in heavy metal armor. Well, not heavy but very decorative. The knight's red eyes are focused on the wall, and a sword held in a worn sheathe rests on his belt. His hair is a pale blond and styled to keep out of his face, and his sharp face is freckled lightly. He is stoic and silent, as many knights of the royal family should be.

        Dave stares at nothing in particular, and shifts ever so slightly to get rid of an ache in his right leg. The knight straightens up when john comes out of his room, and he tilts his head in greeting. "My lord." He says quietly, hands going to rest at his hips. That night, the castle was scheduled to have a ball or dance of some sort, and john was expected to be there with dave as his knight.

        John, you didn't like this ballroom dance and you know it. To many people with their sweaty bodies everywhere and the loud music, it just made his feel upset and a little sick. Even as nice as his out fit was as the Heir, he never really cared for socializing with others. Most of them acting snotty and rude. He acknowledged his knight with a nod as he greeted him and took him down to the ballroom.

        John greeted others as expected of him as royalty , once the formal chatting was over he walked out the balcony, dave followed behind. He hopped up when no one seemed to care where he was at this point, sitting on the ledge and sighed. "Honestly, I dont see the point of me coming here when its mainly for my father.."

         Dave tilted his head to the side, and he leaned his back against the wall of the castle. Yes, he was aware of John's dislike for the ballroom dances but it was a requirement to attend. After all, John was the heir. "He just wants you to make a nice impression, John." Dave said quietly, dropping the formalities as they were alone. After all, John was his best friend and he was pretty sure the heir could care less about the 'my lord' this and 'my lord' that.

        "Its not that long a party. Its just an hour, and its not even that packed." He shrugs a little bit, moving to the railing as he leaned onto it to look over it into the garden, which had a few people idly chatting and gardeners tending to the plants. "And, its still a party. I thought you liked parties like this, with all of the food and dancing." Dave snorts softly and scratches the back of his neck.

        "No, i just want to be with my close friends and not with some random strangers" John turns to look at the gardens, his feet hanging off the edge and hands gripped on the railing to get a better view of the scenery. "I know its not that long of a party, but can you just tell me when theres like about...ten minutes left?"

        John sighed for the umpteenth that night. He Swung his legs softly, he was only on the second floor so even if he did happen to fall, he wouldnt get hurt that badly. He looks out seeing the people start to move back inside. The party seemed to drag on forever, and it was only fifteen minutes into the long hour of a party.

        "I understand." Dave nods a little bit and sits down on the railing, next to the heir. "Sure, though your Dad is gonna want to know where you are, and I'm kinda required to stay with you." He pointed out, running one hand through his blonde hair. The knight shifted his attention from the gardens to John. The glasses-wearing, blue-eyed and surprisingly handsome heir. Nah, he wasn't going to lie to himself, John was definitely something nice to look at. Not that he was going to say that though.

        "Lighten up a little bit, have some fun. I'm sure you might meet a nice lady here, John." Dave shrugs and grins slightly, then looks back to the gardens. It was empty now, other than the gardeners as everyone had moved back inside. He could hear laughter coming from the warm castle, and the sound of music and cheerful voices.

        "Well, at least you're here with me" He smiles softly but shrugs. "He's probably to busy with all the guests to care where i am, besides he knows where i am from the guards and stuff.." He watches as the last gardener heads in and the fountain still running in the court yard. They sure make an excellent job of the gardens.

        "Well, yeah. I'm always gonna be here, you doofus." Dave shrugs, and huffs. "He cares about you, y'know. Your his pride and joy." Dave chuckles. "Better than my dad. I don't even have a dad, just an asshole of a brother." He shrugs then hops up and stretches to keep himself from getting stiff from sitting around.

        "But those girls are rude and mean, all they really care about is that im royalty.." John flips his hood off shakes his hair a bit to get it into its usually messy place. He looks back at the fountain, he wanted to got to it and run his hands through the refreshing water...

        "Yeah, I guess they can be pretty bitchy." He gives a sheepish shrug. "Not much we can do though. They're always gonne be like that." Dave raised an eyebrow as the heir flipped back the hood, and messed with his black hair. It looked really soft, from Dave's point a view. Probably because John washed it every day or something stupid. 

        John looks back, seeing as everyone is distracted from the party, he turns to dave and smiled that adorkable buck tooth grin."Come on, lets ditch the party"

((ok, this will be updates daily and chapters will be shorter due to being from a cherubplay rp with me as john and the other user as dave.  The dave wont be on as much due to a broken hand :( feeback on the other hand is amazing!~))

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