Chapter Four: Getting Close To One Another

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        John smiles and sits in the water with dave since the water was close enough to the shore to be shallow. He happily sits in his lap, leaning against his chest and his hands rub across his back as he holds onto dave. 

         Dave loved having John close, and he loved just holding his friend in his arms. Even if they were both buck naked, Dave would really care less as he was busy spending time with John, in the middle of a warm lake. Dave feels himself shivering slightly as John's hands run across his back.

        Soon after a while they were sitting in a comfortable silence, until john pulled back to lift his head up to you, he yawned softly and rubbed his eyes a bit. He was getting tired but he didnt want to admit it to dave and he wanted to stay in the water longer. 

        "Tired?" Dave asked, lifting his head a little bit as John moved his head. Damn, that little yawn of John's was cute, everything about him was cute. From his adorable grin, to his bright blue eyes and stupid laugh.

        John looks up to dave again and lifts up so he could be at the same height as dave in the lukewarm water. "Dave, my knight..Do you think I could get a gentle kiss from you?" He asks, leaning in close to Dave.

        Dave feels his cheeks lighting up slightly in a blush as John sits up to be at his height, but a small smirk appears on his face. "A kiss, hm?" He said softly, eyebrow raising. "I think.. I can do that." He murmured, leaning for ward to light press his lips against the Heir's in a soft gentle kiss.

        John moves his hands to rest on Dave's shoulders as he kisses back. A warmth spreading though his as their lips touch lightly, it was so nice john had to lean in for even more. His arms wrapping around dave as he pressed into him with a happy giggle as dave freezes up a bit in surprise.

        Dave blinks in surprise as John leans more into the kiss, but he doesn't mind. If anything, he actually wanted more. Dave hesitantly moves his arms to wrap them around John's neck, and hold the heir close.

        It felt so nice and warm and he couldn't get enough of it; daves lips being as addicting as candy to any child. So sweet and delicious, he could barely stop himself even when he lungs were pleading for air.

        It was oddly comfortable actually, to hold his breath during the kiss. Seriously, he didn't mind because he was kissing John. He actually had to tell himself that a few times. He was kissing John and John was kissing him back and wow.

        John whines and pulled away with a soft pant, catching his breath from that amazing kiss, He wanted to lean in for more, he really did; but he was afraid if he kept going he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from dave, and maybe dave couldnt the same.

        John tasted like Cake. Which, wasn't a surprise. But, when John pulled away to breathe, Dave couldn't help but grin like a doofus; but he wished for more. "Heh. We should definitely do that again." Dave raised an eyebrow. In honesty speaking though, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from John. No way.

        "I would get more right now, but we both know that we couldn't be able to hold our selves back from each other...Although that might not be bad bad thing." He smiled at Dave.

        Dave huffed softly, and raised an eyebrow. He did know that was true, and it most certainly wouldn't be a bad thing but.. still. He had to hold himself back, for John's sake and his own. If the public did know what was going on behind closed doors, he'd get kicked from the castle for sure.

        John knew they couldn't go all they way, because he might be looked down upon for being 'tainted' before marriage. He sighed softly, after that kiss it only made him want dave even more than he already did.

        "Tell you what," Dave started, moving a little bit cause he'd lost all feeling in his legs. "We can always cuddle. That's an option, and it hopefully shouldn't lead to sex." He pointed out, moving to run one hand through his hair.

        I mean was it really bad if he lost his virginity to dave even though they weren't married, he loves dave so why not. He groaned, not being able to come up with a decision. It was probably best to wait till, if they got married, to have sex.

        Dave wasn't exactly a virgin. If he did end up doing the dirty with John, he'd no longer be a virgin with a man but with a woman.. Well, he'd spent tons of time as a young squire, and eventually had a few fun times while he was out training. Not that John really had to know, though. If anything, he would have expected John to know something like that had occurred in the past.

        John bit his lips softly as he pondered for a moment then nodded "cuddling is good for now, but yeah just as long as it doesn't lead to that..." John rested back on dave and leaned into his once dave had gotten comfortable, he closed his eyes with a small sigh.

        "It most likely will though." Dave shrugs. "If it happens, it happens." He laughed softly, turning his head slightly to lightly nuzzle John's cheek. "Don't worry about it, nothing is probably going to happen." He couldn't promise anything though. He couldn't promise that he would be able to keep his hands off of John.

((The next chapter will more than likely be shorter than usual chapter, sue to the rp hasnt been updated, voting for all the chapter would be awesome!))

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