Chapter Three: Fun In The Lake

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         John sighs happily when they get to the lake and walk out to the dock. He sits down and takes off his shoes and dips his feet in the water. "Ah..nice and warm~" He exclaims softly "So dave, are we gonna go in or boxers or go in without them?" he asks with a soft giggle. John certainly was being a bit bold tonight.

        The knight glances around as the trees thinned out, giving way to the lake, and the area surrounding it that was illuminated by the moon. It reflected off the water, giving it a silvery look. "Huh?" He looked as John as he sat himself down next to the prince on the dock. As John spoke, Dave could feel his face slowly heating up. "I..uh..I dunno, its up to you.." Dave moved to scratch the back of his neck.

        "Hmm.." John thinks for a moment and shakes his feet free of water and sits back on the dock "Why not? I mean its not like people are going to come out here at this hour" He says standing up.

        "True." Dave nods a little bit and watches John as he shook his feet free of the lake water and stood to strip free of his formal attire. Dave felt that his face was probably dusted in a bright pink, but he didn't mind. He was sure that John couldn't see it anyway, it was too dark. 

        "Might as well get stripping my knight~" he giggles, his adorkable buck teeth showing. He starts lifting off his shirt and his pants. He moves his clothed at the beginning of the dock so they wont get wet.

        Dave chuckled softly and he nods slightly, standing. "Yes, my lord." He laughed softly and began to strip, carefully laying out his clothing on the bank of the lake, so they wouldn't get wet. He tugs off his boxers as well, and sets those off to the side as well. 

        He smiles and takes off is boxer and run to the egde and jumped in the lake, making a splash. he resurfaces and shake his hair "Come on dave!"

        He turns to watch as John took off along the dock, and hopped into the lake. Dave, in all his pride and glory, carefully made his way to the slippery edge of the dock, and hopped in. The warm water was nice, and he resurfaced with a soft gasp, then he laughed a bit. "This is nice!"

        "Yeah it is, i bet the people haven't even noticed us gone, which is fine with me," he smiles softly "Don't even have to worry about the girls trying to go after me heheh..."

        "Mhm, true." Dave nods a little bit, then his lips twitched upwards in a smile. "We're both in the same boat, John. Girls go after me as well, though not so much as a handsome devil such as yourself." Dave winked.

        John playfully whines at the complement "dave, we all know you're more handsome than me" John sighs softly and rests his head on your shoulder. " know..i don't even know who im going to marry anyway. I mean i guess my dad wants me to find someone soon, and that's why he arranges all these parties; for me to find someone. It's just i've never found anyone at those parties that i've liked, so you always bail out with me which is nice." He looks up at you "you're about the only one who really makes me truely happy dave."

        "Hah, you're funny John." Dave chuckled softly, and he did enjoy the contact of John's head on his shoulder. How he managed to keep swimming while holding his dork of a friend, he had no idea. But, he liked this. He liked how close John was. "Hm?" The knight snapped out of his thoughts and shrugs a little bit. "Hey, its okay not to know who you're gonna marry." He laughed softly, and nods slightly. "Just do what you normally do, I'm sure you'll find someone eventually." Dave found himself flushing a little bit as John's blue eyes meet his red ones. "Oh? I guess.. I can say the same thing about you, John."

        John happily swims over to Dave in the water and splashes you playfully. He smiles and lets Dave splash him back with a giggle. He leans into you and wraps his arms around your neck, pulling you into a hug. 

        Dave splashes back at him, and he grins. This was fun, spending time with the young heir. If anything, it was just causing Dave to become more attracted to the blue-eyed, buck-toothed doofus. Dave moved to wrap his arms back around John, his arms resting comfortably at his hips.

        John sighs and closes his eyes. Hhey dave?," he asks softly to you "Dont you think it would be easier if we just married each other, i mean we are so close after all.." he giggles softly.

        Dave raised an eyebrow. "Hm? Yeah, that might be a whole lot easier." He laughed softly and moved to the shoreline, just so it would be easier to hold John. He didn't move out of the water though. 

        John in his mind was actually considering it, was there even a bad reason not to? He couldn't think of any really. He lifts his head to look and you and nuzzle your cheek softly and affectionately. John smiles his adorkable smile at you and leans in closer to dave.

        Dave thought about it. It didn't sound like a bad idea actually. Dave actually purrs a little bit when John nuzzles his cheek. It was cute, and Dave liked it. Marrying John doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.

        "Though you may not exactly agree with that idea dave..." he sighs softly and leans his head back onto the previous spot on your shoulder.

        "Y'know, it doesn't sound bad." Dave whispered, tilting his head slightly to get a better look at the prince. Wow, he actually considered kissing John. That would be hella sweet. "I'd be able to live with myself." He laughed softly, and found himself resting his cheek against John's head.

((Sorry, but the thrid chapter is out. ive been busy the past two days so sorry i didnt update sooner ^^;))

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