Chapter Two: Heading To The Lake

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        "Huh?" Dave snaps out of his thoughts, and blinked in surprise. "Wait, seriously? Ditch the party?" A small grin grows onto his face. "Okay Egbert, I'm game. Where are we gonna go?"

         "Down." John says hoping off the balcony with a giggle and landing with his knees bent to absorb the shock from falling. He looks up to you "Come on dave!" He smiles and starts heading to the fountain slowly while he waits for you to come down from the balcony and join him.

        Dave snorted softly and his lips twitched upward in a small smile at John's dorky giggle. "Right behind you." He said, hopping up onto the balcony, then swinging himself downwards. He landed with a soft thud next to the prince, knees bent as he landed. The knight straightened, then glanced over at John as he made his way to the fountain. With a shrug, Dave trailed after him.

        Dave trudged after him, the grass soft and plush underneath his boots. Dave was smiling slightly, laugh lines crinkling slightly under his eyes as he watches the prince enjoy himself at the fountain. Dave had to admit, it was nice out and he was enjoying the time he was spending with his best friend, and the heir to the land.

        John hummed to himself as he make his was happily to the fountain and sits on the edge, running his hands in the cool water along with some flower petals, that some of the gardeners must have put in. Rose petals it looked like, pure white ones. He smiles flicks one onto dave with a giggle.

        Dave snorted in surprise as a flower petal was flicked onto him, and he raised an eyebrow, expression saying 'Seriously?'. Dave then chuckles softly, and shook his head. "Man, you're a dork." He said, flicking it back at John.

        John giggles happily and runs one of his hands through the water. Surprisingly it was as ice cold as he expected it to be, he tilts his head back with a sigh to look up at the bright moon above as it casts its lovely moonlight over the garden."You think we should do something fun?" He asks Dave softly.

        Dave sat himself down on the edge of the fountain, though he was careful not to fall backwards into the freezing water. "Hm?" Dave snaps out of his thoughts and turns his devilish red gaze to John. He shrugs slightly, and moves to brush his hair from his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Might as well, since we're skipping out on a party." He huffs quietly as he shifts his attention to a plant that was growing next to the fountain, its vines clinging to the stone as it crawled upwards.

        John turns his torso around to see if there was indeed anything else to do for the night. He had hours of time to spend doing absolutely nothing. He looks down one of the paths that he knew if you walked far enough there was a beautiful clear lake, absolutely perfect for swimming in.

        The knight let John do his exploring, and left him to do the search for something fun to do. Dave wasn't much of a person for fun, but if John really needed him to do something he considered fun, then he'd do it. The knight was aware of a lake, not too far from the castle's gardens, and actually it would have been interesting to go there.

        "Hey dave, how do you feel about us heading down to the lake and maybe go for a night time swim? I mean if you want to, the water in that lake is probably warm and the moon is out.." He asked dave a tad shyly.

        "Personally, I don't think that idea sounds half bad." Dave shrugs and gets up, dusting off his clothing. "I could use a good swim anyway, that is if it counts for a bath." He laughed softly and turned to John. "So, if we're gonna go, then lead the way."

         "Okay!" he giggles happily and hops off the side of the fountain, splashing dave with some water a bit. He starts to head off in the direction that the lake was in and scuffed up some gravel with his shoes as he walked. As dave was walking beside john he gets an idea.

        Dave blinked in surprise as John splashed him, and he hopped away with a snort. Damn, his friend really was a dork. Not that he didn't mind, he found it kinda attractive really. The knight nods and trails after John, his pace matching the prince's as they walked along the gravel road to the lake.

        John gradually scoots closer to you as they get closer to the lake, he looks off in the other direction as his hand sneaks to hold onto yours, their fingers intertwining with one anothers as an affectionate gesture.

        Dave didn't mind John's closeness, but when a warm hand closed around his gloved one, he flushed brightly in surprise. But, he didn't pull away. Instead, he lightly squeezed John's hand and looked away in embarrassment as they continued on their little journey. 

        A soft pink blush dusted johns cheeks as he smiled happily, feeling bold tonight with you. With dave, john could really be himself and goof around like the big dork that he was. And not have to be professional like his father wanted him to be. 

        The gesture made Dave happy, and even if he was a bit more daring than most, he'd never had gone for John's hand. It made him smile a bit, to think that John could really be this bold. It was something he could get used too.

((ok i think thats good for a chapter! there might be one or two more chapter before a pause, for waiting for the roleplay to continue. Feedback is amazing along with votes!~ ))

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